Chapter 29: Three weeks

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First person POV: Levi

When I came back from the kitchen, I certainly was not prepared for a sight that I'd get in the middle of the most random hallway in the castle.

I was not prepared to see one of the strongest people I know, braking down and shivering, sobbing – damn near screaming – unable to stand on her own feet. How she filched away – nearly begged me not to touch her – when I tried to help her stand, the fear and confusion in her usually so stoic eyes when she finally looked at me.

I've never been so terrified for someone else besides the two faithful nights in the forest years ago and a few days ago.

She told me why she ended up like this. I was prepared to just drop the subject when she didn't answer the first time I asked. But when I asked the second time, she told me. I know she hesitated, but she told me in the end. I'm not hundred percent sure what exactly did she see, but from what I got, it was a whole lot of memories and not the best ones.

I didn't pry anymore after that. But I decided to offer up a piece of myself that not many people know. At least not the newer Scouts. I think the only ones who might know are Hange and Erwin. I told her about Isabel and Furlan. I didn't tell her everything but some of it.

She, of course, made some sarcastic joke about it despite still being out of it. I couldn't help but laugh at this point. It was late, and she scared the crap out of me.

I hadn't seen her since Four-Eyes came barging into my office and whisked her away. To breakfast, I presume. I do hope that she's fine. Well, as fine as can be after a night like this.

"You seem awfully distracted, Levi," Erwin says, pulling me from my thoughts. I click my tongue and go about poking at my breakfast. I can feel those blue soul-piercing eyes on the side of my head.

"A rough night," I reply honestly, wanting him off my back.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I frown at this question and look at his face. "Fuck off," I say and stand.

I don't have it in me to deal with Erwin and his questions right now. I'm tired and drained and Erwin would squeeze every ounce of my will to live out of me if I were to open my mouth for at least a moment. It's easier to just leave it at that.

"Levi, wait," Erwin's voice rings to me again. He's following me. Great. Fan-fucking-tastic.

"What do you want, Eyebrows?" I grumble my response and shove my plate amongst the others for someone to wash – whoever's on kitchen duty.

"I'd like to talk about your squad," he says, putting his plate away as well and continuing to follow me. I take a breath before clicking my tongue again.

"What's there to talk about?" I'm almost out of the mess hall, Erwin still trailing me. I know that it's disrespectful of a Commander and all that shit, but I could give less shits right now. I could not even respond to him and just go hide in my office.

"I'll tell you, but this isn't a hallway talk," Erwin replies when we've stepped out of the mess hall. Scouts are still shuffling in and out of the hall, some just woken up and getting quick breakfast before the training begins again others already heading to the field to warm up or just chat around.

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