Chapter 20: Just a little spar

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First person POV: (Y/n)

"This place is a fucking circus!"

"(Y/n), no. Just no."

"I'm speaking facts," I mutter, sitting with my back to the table, as I see Eren getting into – yet another – fight with a boy named Jean or Horse-Face as the 104th calls him. I don't see the resemblance, though, but whatever. Who am I to judge?

"Petra," I mutter again, "Do you think they'd make cute babies?" Petra lets out a noise somewhere between gasp and a laugh and covers her mouth – I now realize – against laughing out loud.

"Should I be worried?" Eld dares to question over his morning tea.

"Most likely for (Y/n)'s mental health, yes," Petra replies with a smile and some laugh still in her voice.

"Hey! Don't mock my ass while I'm right here," I hiss and point my finger between Petra and Eld before turning toward the table fully.

"Shouldn't someone break them up?" Grunther asks and points to the boys fighting and shouting behind me and Petra. I shrug, taking a spoonful of my oatmeal, "It's Cap's watch. His problem, not mine."

"Where even is he?" Petra asks, glancing around the mess hall. My brows knit together a bit as I as well look around to see the Captain we're looking for nowhere in sight.

"Weird, I saw him some time ago in the hallway," I mutter and grimace before shrugging and turning back to my food. Tasteless as it is, but I'd rather not starve to death.

"Probably with the Commander or preparing for today's training," Grunther suggests.

"Speaking of training. What do we even do for training today?" I ask and look around the table before Oluo answers – for once trying not to imitate Levi; "Hand-to-hand." I groan and sigh before looking around the table. Everyone's heads are down, and I know exactly why.

"Anyone wanna pair up with me," I ask, voice high and dragging the 'e' in the 'me'.

"And get my ass handed to me again? I have a reputation to hold up," Eld replies. Everyone else nods.

"I'm not that strong, and I'm not going to fight with the trainees," I whine out. The whole squad keeps quiet. My brows furrow, and I eye my oatmeal bowl before me. I abandon the bowl and take a piece of bread, taking a bite of it.

"You know, you could ask Captain. You two seem to have become closer over the last about. . .twenty days," Petra suggests. I immediately choke on the bread piece. I hit my chest with a whist as everyone stares at me practically dying.

"Are you stupid?" I get out between coughs, "I may be good, but no way in these Walls, I'll beat him." The coughing now chases.

"I mean, it won't hurt to try," Grunther mutters over his own food.
"No. No. No. No, and did I mention; No!" I snap. "Trying to go hand-to-hand with Captain fucking Levi will be the same as to ask him to kill me outright," I argue back and now fully push my oatmeal bowl away.

"You're strong. I think we all would like to know how strong exactly," Eld agrees with Grunther. And Patra nods beside me, her eyes glinting with some mischief. I gape at her.

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