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warning - mess ahead 🥲


"Wait," Malia moaned putting her hand between her and Messiah, "Can you hear that?" She lifted her head.

"Hear what?" Messiah slowed down, straining to hear.

"I will beat the fuck out of you," Stori screamed from the top deck of the boat.

"That," Malia pushed him off, grabbing her swimsuit. "Help me," She slapped his arm.

"It's upside down," Messiah laughed helping her with the strap,

"Come on Boog," She said standing up quickly. Once they were situated they went out to the top of the boat, shocked at what they saw.

Everyone was trying to stop Kaiya and Stori from killing each other.

"Mei stop it," Naala snapped holding her hands. "I know you're mad,"

"I'm so mad," Stori shouted,

"Stori shut up, you have no right to be angry," Sinai shouted over Abel's shoulder,

"I know she's not talking to my daughter like that," Naala looked at Dave,

"You don't have to react Naala, look at —"

"Sinai back up before I hit you," Naala swung around to meet Sinai,

"Mama you're protecting her when she lunged for my child," Sinai shouted,

"And what the hell are you gonna do about it?" Naala rolled her neck. "You're gonna hit your sister?"

"She hit my daughter," Sinai repeated clapping her hands,

"Don't clap at me, I will break your fucking wrist," Naala said with a frown,

"Don't do this," Abel said pulling Sinai back slightly. "This is your mom, your family, don't do this,"

"No because she's acting like Stori's shit doesn't stink," Sinai turned her nose up,

"It don't," Naala and Stori replied at the same time,

"Esinaala I'm not gonna say it again," Dave warned her.

"Say something to her, don't stand by me," Naala replied in anger,

"Okay come on," Mazi tried to break them up. While they were focused on Sinai and Naala, Stori broke free.

"I will show you a fucking hoe," Stori said with every punch,

"You're a lunatic," Kaiya screamed hitting her back, dragging her by her hair,

"This is what I mean," Aamirah shook her head, she was telling Mazi earlier that their family wasn't capable of peace.

Dave snatched Stori up and threw her over his shoulder, walking to the other side of the boat.

"Let me down," Stori hit his back in frustration,

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