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hola babies 💕


"Thank you," I signed my name sitting down in the waiting area,

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"Thank you," I signed my name sitting down in the waiting area,

I checked the time again and sighed, putting my phone away.

"Olivia Ayoola," The nurse called out,

"It's Brewster," Aasad said coming in through the doors,

"Oh you made it," I rolled my eyes walking ahead of him,

"Stop walking so fast," He held my hand. I slowed down and walked beside him,

"You can lay down here and the doctor will be a moment," The nurse led us into the room.

"Thank you," I smiled at her. Sahir helped me undress, putting the cloth over my legs.

"I'm sorry I'm late," He kissed me,

"Stop, where were you?" I moved my head back,

"I was with my dad, sorting something," Sahir mumbled rubbing my stomach,

"Yeah okay," I tutted. He lifted my chin up, kissing me again.

"Why you mad?" He said lowly,

"Because I'm not having this baby on my own and you're making me feel like I'm on my own," I sighed,

"You're not on your own, I'm here," He sat beside me. "I love you, so much,"

"I know you do," I let him kiss my hand,

"And I'm sorry, for everything," He carried on,

"Please can we not do this here," I replied tucking my lips in,

"I'm sorry," He rubbed my hand,

"Do you know what you've done to me?" I asked turning to him. "Do you? Because I think you don't,"

"I didn't tell you about the babies when I knew I should have," He said to me,

"You had them before our daughter, when you told me you weren't ready for kids," I said sadly. "You lied to me so many times Sahir, I'm hurt,"

"I fucked up and I didn't want to lose you, I couldn't lose you," Sahir held my hand tight. "I tried to tell you, but it would hurt you,"

"But look at me now, I'm 5 months pregnant, I have two kids and now we're getting a divorce," I started to cry,

"I'm not signing those," He shook his head,

"I don't want to be married to you," I sobbed,

"Olivia stop please," He stood up,

"You're a liar," I pushed him off me, wiping my face. "I'm so tired of you, just go,"

"Liv," He leaned forward kissing my cheek again. "I'm sorry, baby please I'm sorry,"

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