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this is nice and long but I need interaction guys! Pls comment and like otherwise I feel like I'm writing for nothing 🥺


"Sir we're about to land," One of the crew tapped on the door.

"Baby we gotta get up now," Dave said in Naala's ear,

"I'm so tired," She turned over to look at him,

"I know but we're home now." He rubbed her ass, "I tired you out, I'm sorry," He chuckled,

"You did, the whole trip," Naala wrapped her arms around his neck,

"Don't start nothing," Dave said under his breath,

"How long do you think we have?" She slid under the sheets,

"Naala come on," He shuddered as she pulled his pants down. "You can't — fuck La," He groaned lowly.

Naala didn't stop till he physically had to push her off.

"You still got it," Dave said reaching for something to clean himself up.

"I know I do," She pecked his lips, standing up. "I'm happy you added this bathroom, makes me wanna fly more," She told him.

"I'm happy you like it," He replied, getting up off the bed too.

Naala smiled as he kissed her cheek, wrapping his arms around her.

"You feeling okay?" She touched his chin, reaching for her toothbrush.

"Yeah with you by my side, I'm good," Dave kissed her neck,

"Mmm," She hummed nodding her head.

"I'm going to stop by the club when we get home, just to make sure Aasad hasn't messed anything up," Naala replied after she brushed her teeth.

"Right now?" He asked letting go of her waist,

"Yeah babe, don't you need to see your brother?" She wiped her mouth with a cloth.

"I wanted you to come with me," Dave responded leaning against the side.

"Mir, I'm going to see my kids and then I have things to do," Naala shook her head. "I can't face your mom right now, I'm not in the mood,"

"So you're never gonna go around her?" He asked with a mug,

"Not with the attitude she has toward me," Naala replied,

"Bet Naala," Dave mumbled moving around her to wash his face.

"Why are you acting like you don't know how she is towards me?" She spun around to me,

"She's my mom," He argued. "Suck it up and be there for me, it's not that hard,"

"That is so unfair," Naala tutted under her breath. She focused on getting ready, doing her best to ignore him.

They both got dressed and returned to their seats on the jet, in time for the landing.

"Love," Dave held his hand out to hers. "I know you're scared just hold my hand,"

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