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"Bae you're so deep," Naala moaned into Dave's ear,

"You want me to take some out?" He said lowly,

"No no don't stop," She said wrapping her leg around him, "I love you," She spoke with tears in her eyes.

"I love you too," Dave groaned putting his head in her neck,

"I'm so close," She cried out, "Let me get up," She told him.

"Oh for real?" He smirked letting her climb onto his lap.

"Papa," Sevyn tapped on the door. "We finished the chips, more," She exclaimed.

"You let them have a whole bag of chips," Naala exhaled as she slid down on Dave,

"They was quiet," He said holding her waist. "Let me get her, hang on," He lifted Naala off him, picking up his pants.

Naala took her robe from the floor and put it on, tiding up the clothes scattered across the floor.

"Let's not wait this long again, I've missed you," Dave said leaning down to kiss her,

"I miss you all the time, but you've been busy," She looked up at him,

"I am never too busy for you, I'm sorry you felt that way," He said wrapping his arms around her waist. "You liked your gifts?"

"I loved them," Naala nodded. "Is St Bart's just us?" She asked him,

"It's whatever you want it to be baby, it's your trip," Dave smirked kissing her again.

Naala moaned into the kiss as he gripped her ass,

"Papa," Sevyn shouted again making them pull apart,

"Why's she not at daycare?" Dave asked pulling Naala's robe shut to hide her naked body,

"You were meant to take her when you got back," She said softly, exhaling against him.

"Let me stop," Dave took his hand from between her legs,

"I'll try and get them to nap?" She said following him to the bathroom,

"And Stori? You gonna force her to nap too?" He glanced back at her,

"I'll talk to her like you asked but I don't regret whooping her, she was trying me," Naala exclaimed,

"Who you getting loud with?" Dave asked washing his hands,

"Not you but bae she is so disrespectful," She crossed her arms,

"She's your daughter, talk to her," He replied. "Make her understand you, you're her mom, she likes talking to you,"

"No she doesn't, she hates me," Naala said leaning on the door,

"Baby I've told you she doesn't hate you," Dave sighed standing in front of her,

"You talk to her, please," She pulled him closer with his sweats,

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