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honestly this chapter is so long but for a reason 🫶🏾🫶🏾


"Naala," Hassan said standing in front of her. "I've been talking to you for a minute now, you okay?" He said touching her arm.

"Hm," Naala's eyes watered looking up at him. "I - um, sorry," She looked down.

"What's the matter?" He stepped forward,

"When did you get back?" She sniffed still not looking at him.

"I've known you my whole life girl, tell me what's wrong?" Hassan wrapped his arms around her,

"Everything is falling apart," Naala cried. "I've tried so hard to protect my children, to keep them safe and now it's all coming back,"

"What's coming back?" He asked her lowly.

"Justice, and now Poet," She explained. "I've worked so hard Hassan, you know how hard I've tried,"

"Calm down," He held her as she cried into him. "I'm confused La, what's going on?"

"Nothing," Naala pulled away from him, she realised Hassan was the worst person to be around at that moment.

"It's obviously not nothing," He raised a brow.

"Something that you can't fix so leave it," She said with a sigh,

"I'm only trying to help La. That's it," Hassan shrugged. "Thanks for letting us come back here," He said putting his hand on the small of her waist.

"Yeah it's fine," Naala nodded. Hassan leaned down and kissed her cheek, pulling her closer.

"I'll always be here, you know that," He said in her ear before he kissed her again,

"Mom?" Roman stood behind them,

"Roman," Naala spun around, "I almost forgot what I promised you," Her smile returned, no evidence of tears or anything.

"What did you promise me?" He lifted a brow,

"Cheeseburgers," Naala whispered going to lift him up,

"The baby," Roman declined. "Daddy said you won't be able to pick me up anymore because of the baby,"

"Oh you pregnant?" Hassan quizzed from behind them,

"Cheeseburgers," Naala repeated pulling Roman away from him,

"Was I too loud?" Roman asked in a whisper,

"We don't tell anyone mommy is pregnant till I get a big belly," She whispered pulling him closer.

"Sorry I didn't know," He responded holding her hand. "I want a big cheeseburger, can you make them?"

Dave burst into laughter, "Your mom is not about to make nothing,"

"What's so funny," Naala frowned at him,

"Baby you know you're not about to cook a thing," Dave said leaning off the counter,

"I can make a burger," Naala defended putting the envelope down. "Move let me show you,"

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