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if you're bored, let me know - I feel like this chapter dragged.

Enjoy my lovelies. 🫶🏾


"Your car is outside," Jude leaned into the office, looking between Naala and Patricia.

"Already? Wow time flies," Patricia stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow Naala?"

"Tomorrow." Naala confirmed with a nod. "I hope you like the hotel, I picked it especially for you,"

"Thanks Mrs Brewster," Patricia said shyly,

"I've told you, I wasn't born my husband's wife, my name is Naala," Naala corrected her for the umpteenth time.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry," Patricia replied putting her head down,

"Baby?" Dave knocked on the door. "I'm sorry, I thought you had already left," He said to Patricia.

Patricia was star struck, worse than she was with Naala.

She always wondered what it would be like meeting him in person, and here he was, in the most human form.

He was dressed down in a simple t-shirt and shorts, exposing his plethora of tattoos which decorated his entire body.

"Hi," Patricia stuck her hand out. "Patricia Rene," She introduced herself.

"Good to meet you," Dave shook her hand firmly. "I hope my wife hasn't been pressuring you,"

"No she's been lovely," Patricia scanned him up and down. "My mom will kill me if I don't get a picture with you, do you mind?"

"How about we leave pictures till the end?" Naala said standing up,

Dave put his arm around Naala's waist, maybe to prove that they were a united front.

"Pictures later," He nodded squeezing Naala's waist,

"I'll see you tomorrow," Patricia repeated and Jude escorted her out of the office, and subsequently out the house.

"How was it?" Dave kissed her lips once they were alone,

"I think we got some things clear, Grayson hasn't led her as much as I thought," Naala replied looking up at him.

"And you're telling her the truth?" He tilted his neck,

"I am," She nodded. "As cold and dark as it is, I'm telling it,"

"I'm proud of you," Dave kissed her neck, "I know how hard it is to remember shit like that,"

"Thank you," Her eyes sparkled with happiness, "How are my babies? I'm not too late for their talent show,"

"Lord they've been practicing all fucking morning," Dave held her face.

Naala kissed him back and only pulled away when Jude entered the room again.

"Tea ma'am?" Jude asked looking between them,

"Can you bring it over to the other wing?" Naala fixed her hair,

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