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feeling real low today but I thought I could make one person smile with this (I hope 😘)


Mazi yawned tiredly getting out of her car, patting her head.

"That was a good ass nap," She mumbled to herself, she was barely awake when her mom called her.

She knocked on the door of the strange house, looking around as she did.

"Mazi," Naala pulled the door open, her dress and body soaked in blood.

Mazi's eyes widened as she pushed her mom back into the house, slamming the door.

"What happened Mom? You're bleeding," Mazi examined her,

"I didn't mean to do it," Naala whispered in tears. "I think I killed him,"

"Sh," Mazi covered her mouth quickly. "Don't talk mom, don't say another word,"

Mazi led her back through to the lounge, sitting her on the couch.

She then began to search every corner of the house for any recording devices.

She checked under lamps, behind portraits, inside plant pots.

Once she was certain there was nothing, she checked Grayson's body next.

Her stomach bubbled at the sight of his open eyes.

"Mom you could have closed his eyes," Mazi muttered closing his eyes before she checked if he had anything on him.

"I didn't mean to do it, he was on top of me and I-I," Naala started to cry,

Mazi went back over to her, "Was he um- did he touch you mommy?"

"Mmhm," Naala nodded. "I just wanted him to stop but he wouldn't,"

Mazi sighed heavily before she looked back at his body, "Okay mom I need your help, okay?"

"Okay," Naala sniffed wiping her face,

"You need to go and have a shower, because you're getting his blood everywhere," Mazi said quietly. "Unless you want them to do a rape kit?"

"No no doctors," Naala shook her head quickly, "I'll shower, but don't throw that away please?"

"Mom it's the murder weapon," Mazi said wiping it off,

"Roman made it for me and I don't want to lose it," Naala said her eyes watering again,

"That's fine, I'll clean it up," Mazi told her. "Mommy I've got this, don't cry again, please,"

Naala nodded and sucked her tears up, heading to find a shower to get his blood off her.

Mazi went to the kitchen and got to work. She managed to clean up all the blood that surrounded his body and the blood that splattered on the walls.

She went around the room, cleaning up anything Naala could have touched.

In the shower, Naala scrubbed away at her skin, wanting to get his touch off her.

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