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partially proof read - ignore mistakes I'm only human 💕


Dave waited outside the room anxiously before he just pushed the door open.

"I'm not waiting outside," He went back to his wife's side,

"She's stable now but I really need you to keep her calm," Narelle nodded,

"You hear that La? Calm down," Dave said in her ear,

"Bae," Naala pouted tiredly. "I really can't do it," She added in tears.

"You can because you're doing it right now," He mumbled kissing her head. "I'm here I'm not leaving you,"

"Naala we're gonna ask you to start pushing now," Narelle said from the end of the bed,

"You can do it, just hold my hand," Dave said wiping her tears,

Naala pushed hard, squeezing Dave's hand. "Nothing is happening," She cried.

"Because this baby is stubborn La just like you but you have to try," Narelle told her, "Try and push,"

"Try," Dave repeated kissing her head again. Naala nodded and held him tighter, pushing harder.

"I can't," She moaned in pain,

"You're doing something, I can see that head full of hair," Narelle coached her along.

"You hear that?" Dave said with a smile. "That's our baby, you're doing it,"

"Mmm," Naala breathed heavily throwing her head back,

Narelle checked her oxygen levels and connected her to a IV drip, just in case.

"You got it baby," Dave copied the breathing techniques they learned rubbing her arm.

"You're doing amazing La, just another small one," Narelle rubbed her leg,

"I deserve more than Costa Rica," Naala shouted pushing hard,

"You do," Dave laughed ignoring the pain in his hand from her squeezing.

"Okay okay stop," Narelle held her hand up. "Dave do you wanna come over?"

Dave let go of her hand heading to the end of the bed,

"You can just pull them out," Narelle handed him a pair of gloves.

Like a pro, when Naala pushed one last time, Dave delivered their baby, a relief falling over both of them.

"You have a beautiful baby boy," Narelle said while Dave stared at him in amazement.

Narelle passed him the snippers to cut the cord and she took over.

"Thank God," Naala cried as their baby let out a loud cry,

"You did it," Dave kissed her face repeatedly, "You're amazing," He added.

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