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long overdue - sorry but enjoy this long chapter 💕


"Do we stop it now?" Mazi bit her lip standing outside the door,

"Let her get it out," Aamirah jumped at the sound of the glass breaking.

"You're a fucking liar," Naala shouted from inside Dave's office,

"Naala put the glass down," Dave raised his hands in a surrender,

"It's every fucking month with you," She screamed throwing it at him. "Last month it was Lanae, did you not learn?"

"I fucked up —"

"Stop talking," Naala snapped cutting him off. She took a deep breath and moved away from him,

Naala threw the room door open, making her daughter's jump back.

"In my office," Naala said walking past them, her anger radiating off her.

The girls followed her and Dave did too, his hands tucked into his pockets.

"Is the jet ready?" Naala asked softly,

"I haven't heard anything but I'll check," Mazi bought her phone out,

"Good, Mimi talk to Eddie in PR, get him to draw me up something, something about family," Naala said tying her hair up.

"To go out tonight?" Aamirah interjected,

"Preferably yes," Naala nodded. "Issue?" She glanced at Aamirah,

"No no you do your thing Ma," Aamirah shook her head, she knew better than to irritate Naala at this point.

"Tell him I'm standing by my husband and we are expecting a baby and we would really like some privacy at this time," She continued.

"The baby is a good idea I guess," Mazi nodded,

"Surrogate or naturally?" Aamirah looked up from her phone.

"Naturally, that's what we're doing," Dave spoke making everyone look at him.

"I don't think you should talk right now daddy," Aamirah mumbled.

"They're refuelling the jet —"

"Then we take the plane, Maz speak to Daniel, he knows I only use it for special occasions," Naala said cutting her off.

Mazi didn't say anything, she knew her mom was not in the mood.

"We can't do the IPO now, I definitely would not recommend it," Aamirah said quietly,

"I agree, it's not the best time," Naala said blinking. "But someone needs to say something before I do,"

"I will, I will say I didn't do it," Dave said stepping forward. He put his hand on Naala's waist and she moved swiftly.

"You saying you didn't do it looks like we're defending you," Mazi shook her head. "She claims you slept with her with no protection,"

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