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Extra long chapter but with extra growth 🫶🏾
My babies are all grown up, makes me sad 😢


"I - I have to see him, you think we can't but I have to," Dave spoke lowly,

"Sir the condition of his body, it is not advised for either of you to go in there," The officer stated.

"That is my son," Naala said weakly, "Please," Her voice broke.

Dave held her tight as they walked into the room where their son lay.

It was cold and stiff and the air felt sad.

"I'll give you some privacy," The officer said from behind them but neither of them were listening.

Naala let out a scream so loud, that it made her knees give way.

"Nasir," She wailed from the floor. "Why is this happening to me?" She cried.

Dave let a few tears fall as he reached for Saint's hand.

"I should have been there," Dave said holding his hand tight,

Naala held onto Saint's body, weeping into him.

"Why is this happening Amir?" She sobbed into his body. "What have we done wrong?"

"I don't know Love," Dave said wrapping his arms around her, trying to get her off his body.

"No don't touch me," Naala screamed loudly,

"La this is not going to bring him back," He said in her ear,

"I want him back," She shook her head,

"Me too baby, me too," Dave sniffed looking away from his face.

"I won't leave you ever again Nasir, I won't leave you ever again," Naala weeped,

"We have to," He told her,

"No I told him I would protect him, you told him that you would never let anything happen to him," She screamed at him.

"I'm sorry," Dave replied standing up straight,

"You were meant to stop this," Naala cried into her hands,

"I'm sorry baby," He held her, letting her cry into him.

"We failed Mir," She held on to his shirt, sobbing bitterly.

"We didn't fail, this wasn't our fault," Dave mumbled into her hair. "We couldn't have done anything about this La, we couldn't,"

Naala screamed and cried, until she physically couldn't.

When Dave finally got her out of the room, he went back in to see his son one last time.

"I should have been there, this shouldn't have happened Nas," Dave said clearing his throat.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there and I swear, I'm gonna make them all pay for what they've done to you," He said to him.

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