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I busted my ass to get y'all this chapter - enjoy my lovesssss 💕


"Is there anyway you can lock down this ward?" Mazi asked the head of the hospital, tapping away on her phone.

"The whole ward?" He repeated,

"The whole ward, we need privacy," She looked up at him.

"Ma'am —"

"It really wasn't a question, I'm gonna have three men on each exit, it's either you shut it down or I do it?" Mazi said firmly.

"We can move the other children, yes," The man nodded.

"And that means no reporters, no cameras and no visitors whose last name isn't one of these," Mazi slid him a list.

"I'll give this to the front desk," The man agreed,

"Oh and the nurses and doctors, have they all be fully vetted?" She said in an exhausted tone.

Mazi was exhausted, it had been a long night and it was only going to get longer.

"The top surgeon Dr Melrose —"

"It's my sister, Sinai Melrose, she can't operate on her," Mazi replied shaking her head.

"So no to Dr Melrose, how about I bring in her junior, they have the same talents," He stuttered.

"I'm not making you nervous am I?" She paused. "Because we can just get her moved,"

"No I'm not nervous Ma'am but this is a serious case, she needs surgery right away and I can't afford to put in all of your demands," He expressed quickly.

"Locking down the ward isn't a demand, it's a necessity, bring the other surgeon," Mazi mumbled walking away from him.

"Mrs Wright," The security by the door slid to the side, allowing Mazi into the large room.

"Everything good?" Dave asked as Mazi sunk into the arm chair,

"I'm still working on it," Mazi replied blinking at Storm in the bed.

Her face was covered with the majority of wires hooked up to her body.

After her seizure, she grew unconscious, unable to be woken by anything.

They tried every drug, every resuscitation method but she wouldn't wake up, yet she was still breathing.

"And the security?" Naala muttered softly, her eyes still on Storm.

"They're ready to get to their posts, I'm just ironing out some details," Mazi answered quickly.

Naala hummed and rubbed Storm's hand, "You're safe angel, you hear that?" She whispered in her ear.

Dave stood up abruptly, "I gotta go home and do something,"

"And do what?" Mazi glanced at him,

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