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I'm going on a small trip so I wanted to get this out to you all before I go, love you guys 😘😘


"Here," Naleli said handing Dave a glass of water. "Tell me where it hurts," She sat in his lap.

"Naleli," He groaned trying to get her off,

"I'm trying to help you, not have sex," She muttered rubbing his arm,

Aasad came into the room and looked between them in confusion,

"The doctors here, he's gonna check you out," He cleared his throat, making Dave push Naleli off fully.

"I said I was fine," Dave tutted turning to him,

"You're not fine you've been shot," Naleli touched his shoulder,

"It's a graze," Dave mumbled lifting his shirt up,

"I've got it," Naleli said helping him, her nails grazing the skin of his chest.

Dave held her waist as she tugged on the shirt, "Thank you," He gritted out, squeezing her waist slightly.

"No problem," She said quietly, "I'll be just over there while he fixes you up,"

"Thanks Leli," Aasad said with a furrowed brow.

Aasad remained quiet while the doctor patched up Dave's wound.

It was only a graze but going to hospital would raise too many questions that they don't need to be answering.

"I called Ma, they've found Khi," Aasad announced making Naleli perk up from the couch.

She was hoping they didn't find him, to keep Dave in this vulnerable place.

"Shit is he okay?" Dave lifted his head up quickly,

"Asking for you," Aasad nodded, "I can swing you by there or you gonna stay here?"

Dave looked back to Naleli who was acting as if she wasn't listening, her eyes on the television screen.

"I don't think your mom would want me there, so I'm gonna chill here," Dave responded wiping the blood on his hand.

"You for real right now?" Aasad lowered his voice. "You really fucking her sister Dave? That's the shit you doing?"

"Don't call me that," Dave said back to him,

"Unbelievable man," Aasad scoffed. "Doc he good?" He said looking at the doctor.

"All good," The doctor nodded. Aasad handed him some money before he saw him out.

"You know you should go and see your son, you can't hide here forever," Naleli turned to look at him.

"I don't know," Dave rubbed his head,

"Please go, I'll be fine," She shrugged standing up. "You can always come back, I doubt Naala will want you in her house,"

Dave let Naleli step into between his legs, leaning down to his face.

"We gotta stop," He turned his head when she tried to kiss him,

"Yeah okay," She stood up straight, "Go home to your wife," She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Now it's go home to my wife?" Dave raised a brow,

"Yeah go home to your wife, I'm not nobody's second choice, I won't be your second choice," Naleli said firmly.

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