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Bonjour my loves ❤️


"Pancakes," Naala gleamed placing the plate down for Kaiya.

"Thank you Nana," Kaiya leaned onto her,

"You are so very welcome," Naala tapped her nose. "Would you like some syrup?"

"Yes please," Kaiya answered with a mouth full, "Do you think I could have some bacon too?"

"You can have whatever you like," Naala nodded picking up a plate of bacon,

"Oba, good morning," Abel said as he entered the kitchen,

"Abel," Naala blushed looking down. "Naala is fine," She corrected him.

"Naala, how did you sleep?" Abel accepted the cup of coffee she placed in front of him,

"Okay, you two don't stop do you?" Naala tucked her hair behind her ear, "I'm surprised the floorboards didn't fall through,"

"It's your daughter, she can't get enough of me," Abel said smugly,

"Yuck," Kaiya commented with a scrunched up face. "Don't put me off my breakfast,"

"Sorry," Abel laughed. "Any plans today Naala?"

"She's got a date," Kaiya said wriggling her brows.

"Not a date," Naala blushed heavily turning back to the pancake she was flipping. "I might go to lunch with my friend,"

"Fun, you need to get out of the house more," Abel spoke making her nod.

"I've been trying," Naala mumbled quietly.

"Good morning family," Sinai entered the kitchen, her smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Hey mom," Kaiya smiled hopefully. Sinai cut her eyes to her but didn't say anything.

"If you're still pregnant, don't talk to me," Sinai said kissing her mom's cheek,

"Leilani," Naala squinted at her,

"This all they do," Abel commented. "Fight about the baby she wants to keep,"

"Daddy you're never on my side," Kaiya said emotionally,

"Why do you want to ruin your life?" Sinai exclaimed. "Having a baby when you're still a damn child yourself, why?" She snapped.

"Sinai calm down, this isn't helping the situation," Naala spoke quietly. She didn't want to get involved but she saw how upset Kaiya was.

"Mama please shut up and let me handle this," Sinai snapped back at her, not because she wanted to.

Naala nodded and flipped the last pancake, putting it on a plate for Abel.

"I'll give you guys some privacy," Naala said wiping her hands off.

She left the kitchen to give them their space, heading to her designated bedroom.

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