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it was hard writing this and even harder publishing it. Thank you all for your undying support over the last few years. Writing this has helped me through a lot of my own struggles, it's given me a reason.

I hope that it gives you as much joy as it gave me. For the last time, enjoy my lovelies. 🫶🏾🫡


"Mazi, Mazi can you hear me?" Sinai leaned over her, tapping her face.

"Stop shouting in my face," Mazi pushed Sinai's hand away groggily,

"Are you in pain Mae?" Sinai lowered her voice. "You fell and we're worried about the baby,"

"My stomach is a bit sore but that's it." Mazi sat up, "Did I hit my head?" She asked touching her head,

"Yeah you did, Sinai is there anyway you can check on the baby?" Tyrek asked anxiously,

"I can but I think you should go to a hospital," Sinai suggested helping her up,

"That bitch pushed me," Mazi shook her head, leaning on Tyrek,

"Maz you okay?" Dave came over out of breath,

"Dad I'm fine but you really didn't need to put them out," Mazi sighed,

"You just said she pushed you," Stori exclaimed, "I'm glad they're gone,"

"I'm gonna get her to the hospital, Nai can you come?" Tyrek asked. He trusted Sinai and so did Mazi.

"I'll come too," Stori raised her hand.

"Me too, we'll all come," Aamirah said pulling Malia along. "Daddy will you stay here?"

"Yeah let me check on your mom," Dave nodded his head. "I'll be there soon baby okay?" He kissed Mazi's head.

"I'm sure it will be nothing," Mazi nodded anxiously,

"It's better to be safe than sorry," Sinai explained to her, "Troy can you arrange a car?" She asked him.

Troy nodded and rallied up the rest of the security, leaving  the rest of the house with the outdoor security.

If Dave was home, they should be fine.

"La," Dave announced walking into the room.

"Shhh, I just got him down," Naala whispered rocking Naeem gently,

"Mazi's going to hospital," He told her.

"For what? Is it the baby?" Naala stressed standing up quickly, still holding Naeem.

"She fell so they want to make sure everything is okay," Dave reassured her,

"Then why am I still here, move." Naala said leaving the room, "Oh angel, are you okay?" She asked Mazi as they were heading out of the door.

"I should be asking you that," Mazi chuckled weakly,

"I'm a big girl, nothing I can't handle," Naala shrugged. "I'm coming with you, take him," She passed Naeem to Dave.

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