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all you hoes that doubted this would be drama free - suck my left ass cheek x


"Happy birthday baby," Dave kissed Naala's cheek,

"Happy birthday," Naala replied drunkly, wrapping her arms around his neck,

"It's your birthday Love," He said holding her waist tightly.

"It is?" She giggled looking at him. "What did you get me?"

"Everything," Dave leaned down, kissing her gently. He deepened the kiss, bringing her closer.

"You love me?" Naala leaned back, wiping his lips of her lipgloss.

"More than you know," He nodded. "You having a good time?"

"Yeah I needed this," She leaned into him again, her head on his chest.

"You deserve this, a real break to relax," Dave moved them from side to side, dancing slowly to the music.

"I've spent 40 birthdays with you, well ten of them I was in jail and the other 7 you were in jail too," She started to ramble,

"A real love story," He laughed nodding,

"They're gonna write books about us bae," Naala held his face,

"Books about you," He corrected. "That autobiography would go off,"

"You think?" Naala smiled, "I'm gonna remember that Mir, make us a little money when we're all old,"

"My little business mogul," Dave laughed pulling her closer, kissing all over her face.

"Mama dance with us," Sinai waved her over.

"I gotta dance with my babies," Naala pulled away, her eyes half open.

"This should be your last drink," Dave said as she sipped some more from her glass.

"Birthday behavior," She whispered kissing him again. "I love you Mir,"

"Love you more, go have some fun," He pecked her lips, the taste of the alcohol lingering on his lips.

He thought being sober would be harder around all the alcohol but he really had no reason to want a drink.

"You're drunk," Mazi laughed as her mom came over, her dress higher than before.

"I am not drunk," Naala pointed at her. "You need to drink more," She waved the bartender over.

"Ma'am?" He asked with a smile, "What can I get you pretty?"

"My husband is over there," Naala said to him,

"Doesn't make you any less beautiful," He shrugged. Naala blushed heavily.

"He will kill you," She whispered. "But if you get me another drink, I won't tell,"

"How about I get you all another round? My signature cocktail?" He asked winking at Naala.

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