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hi my babiessss. Hope you're all okay? Sometimes I wonder what my readers are doing, I hope you're not doing drugs 😩🫶🏾


"I know baby," Naala patted Nairi's back, "Daddy is being so loud down there isn't he?" She mumbled.

"Ma," Naeem cried beside her, tugging on her arm.

"Naeem you have a bottle, mommy can't feed both of you," She said in frustration putting the bottle to his lips.

Naeem was having difficulties adjusting to the new baby. He saw her being fed and Naala only giving him a bottle, he didn't like the change.

"Judy," Naala called out,

"Ma'am," Jude appeared in the doorway, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Can you take him and tell my husband and his stupid ass friends to shut up?" Naala said harshly,

"Yes ma'am," Jude picked Naeem up with ease. "Say bye mommy," She waved his small hand.

Naeem turned to his head and put it on Jude's shoulder, clearly upset.

"Hey ma," Naala answered her phone which had been ringing for a while.

"Esi," Gloria cried. "There's someone in this house, I can hear them,"

"Mama it's only Lisa, she's there to help you," Naala sighed,

"But she's going through my things, you have to come and tell her to stop," Gloria sniffed,

"Okay I'm coming," Naala replied. "Just calm down, it's only Lisa,"

"I don't care who it is, you're my daughter you should be here," Gloria said loudly,

"Mama I just had a baby, my son is missing," Naala snapped back at her,

"When did you have a baby? Is Saint missing?" Gloria asked in a sad tone,

"Mama I'll see you soon," Naala sighed hanging up.

Gloria was having issues with her memory, Naala called them issues, the doctor called it Alzheimer's.

"You okay baby?" Dave came into the room, holding a glass of water for her.

"It's Mama," Naala blew out a breath, "I knew I should have let her move in here, she's freaking out about having Lisa over there,"

"You can bring her here, but there was something I wanted to show you," He said holding his hand out to her.

"What is it?" She stood with him,

"Give me a kiss, what's the matter?" Dave rubbed her back,

Naala stood on her tiptoes giving him a small kiss. "I feel I'm losing the only thing that reminds me of him,"

"Of Justice?" He raised a brow,

"Of Ameer," She looked down. "Gloria, she was really my rock when I lost him, and now she doesn't even remember anything,"

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