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hiiiii 💕
Ignore any mistakes, I wanna sleep so bad.


"Did you pack my kit baby?" Aasad shouted from the bathroom,

"Yes Sahir, just check the bag," Olivia said from their closet.

She was on her hands and knees sorting through his luggage.

"What else do you need?" She looked up at him as he entered the room,

"If everything is in there, then not much," Aasad answered looking around their closet.

"I have to go now," Olivia spoke checking the time,

"Where you going?" He quizzed with a raised brow,

"Your mom just had a baby, you know in our culture I should be staying there," She said standing up,

"You're my wife," Aasad blinked at her,

"And she is your mom, I have to take care of her some how," Olivia mumbled. "If it was me, she would be staying here,"

"It's not gonna be you till we're ready," He warned her,

"I know, no babies till you make coach." Olivia nodded,

"I'm not doing it because I don't want kids with you," Aasad held her waist,

"I know," She shrugged. "We want to be secure, I get that,"

Olivia had come to terms with the fact that he didn't want children yet, she wasn't mad at him.

"Shit that's my phone," He said when his phone started to ring.

Olivia waited till he was out of the closet and out of sight before she got to work.

She took a box of condoms, slipping it into his suitcase. That was the only way she could ensure he didn't come back and give her something.

Once she was done with the bag, she got dressed to leave.

"You're leaving now?" Aasad put his phone down, face first.

"Mm, I'll see you later," She hugged him. He hugged her tight, kissing her cheek.

"I'll be here when you get back," He told her kissing her properly. Olivia smiled in the kiss, feeling secure in his arms.

"I've left some of the pepper soup I made in the fridge," Olivia told him picking up her purse.

Lucky for her, they only lived a five minute drive from his parents house so she got there quickly.

"Thank you," Olivia thanked the valet guy,

"No problem miss, Oba is inside," He nodded at her.

Olivia took all the food that she made and walked through the grand house.

The sound of the baby crying led her exactly to where Naala was.

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