13: Backstory

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Taehyung took a deep breath and began. "The murders happening in your locality one were causing quite some distress within the Investigation Department. On one hand, the South Korean Government and on the other hand, the media.

Both the bodies were mortifying the Investigation Department. So the Police Chief approached me and asked me for help. But he had a condition that besides him nobody will be aware that I'm working on this case.

Then I disguised myself and started looking for a place to stay in that locality. I needed to be near the prime location to investigate.

I found your hostel and decided to make it my base of operation. Who knew at that time that the opponent also had the same base of operation?" He chuckled while shaking his head.

"At first when I met Mr. Park, he seemed too nice. And to carry out cocaine smuggling while disguising as a pharmacist was already provoking a suspicion in my mind.

But still, I didn't catch a hint that he was the actual smuggler himself. I didn't even think about it.

My first suspicion rose the day before Miss. Akai was murdered. You must remember that a dead body was found in front of the hostel.

When you mentioned the 100 dollars that were found in the wallet of the person. I caught a glimpse of the disappointment in Mr. Park's features. It seemed as if he should've had the money for himself but somehow he missed having it.

Then in the evening when Miss Akai was eavesdropping on our conversation and you spotted her. She excused herself and dashed away.

Judging how she reacted, I had a suspicion about her as well. I thought she was the smuggler. Then at night when I overheard their conversation from the floor above the chamber, I figured out that she saw something dangerous. Nothing special about it.

But when she was murdered that night I could fix the puzzle into their places. Miss Akai witnessed Mr. Park killing that man in front of our hostel through her window. Since she knew Mr. Park for so many years, she thought of warning him." He explained and looked at me with raised brows. "Now I guess things are getting clear?" I nodded slowly as he continued.

"Mr. Park used to secretly smuggle and sell cocaine but never used to let anyone know about it. If someone got to know about it by chance then he used to kill them. That is how he survived these past years.

The man who was found dead must have been one of the traders or buyers of cocaine. Maybe due to some issue they had an argument and the man black-mailed Mr. Park.

But Mr. Park couldn't afford to believe him, and ended up killing him which was witnessed by Miss Akai through her window.

And foolishly she went and said these to Mr. Park that she saw what he did. Maybe she tried to warn him considering the conversation we heard the other night from our room.

Maybe she was grateful to him somehow so she didn't want him to be caught. But the result was the complete opposite.

In Mr. Park's eye, she didn't have a reason to survive. He couldn't afford to live in daily fear of her exposing his truth. So he decided to kill her.

When she woke up to use the washroom at night and opened the door, there was Mr. Park, ready to slaughter her.

The next day when I said to the cops that the main reason for Miss Akai's death was the window in her room I saw how Mr. Park was looking at me darkly. He was suspecting me ever since that day.

But the biggest mistake that happened was when the cops suddenly arrested me. Anyways, the Police Chief asked them to release me and they obeyed.

I returned to the hostel and then Mr. Park got his answers that I was an Agent or worked for the police. Ignoring his thoughts he allowed me to stay the night yesterday, planning to murder me later at night.

The shreds of evidence that were available with the investigation department and maybe after searching his house, the Police could only arrest him as a smuggler. But there wasn't a piece of single evidence that he was a brutal killer.

So I plotted to catch him red-handed doing the crime. I was the one who broke the lock off our room. Mr. Park was internally very happy since he wouldn't have to break the lock to enter our room to kill me.

Then I made it even easier for him when I asked him for a medicine to cure our headache. He was over the top thinking that it was even easier for him to execute his plan.

He gave us a sleeping drug instead of a headache pill so that we can sleep deeply and he can kill me without anyone knowing. And then the lion stepped on the trap. After that, you know what happened." He finished and smiled at me but then chuckled while saying.

"That's it. Close your mouth. Why are you so shocked?"

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