26: Clear

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"After reading your mail. I could assume bits and pieces about this case. You always met them separately and never saw them together.

Not getting much into it, I can figure out that after fleeing prison she needed two things. A disguise and a source of earning money.

She had blonde hair which could easily garner attention so she cut it short and bought a wig. She started living in your house by renting it. She wore a dark wig when she used to rob people during the day. Then dress up as Sunbin at night and go for some other business.

It is quite easy to live without suspicion in Itaewon. But she noticed that you used to spy on everyone around so she had to be careful. The very first night after you slept she moved in the middle of the night with her things so that you cannot make out that there weren't two people moving in. It was just her. Shin Kyung-hee. Neither Kang Sunbin nor Kang Sora.

Then her daily life started. She used to leave in the morning telling you that she was going to the school. Later in the afternoon, she used to rob people and return home in the evening.

Then again, at night she went somewhere disguised as Sunbin, making you believe that two people were living in your house.

You just made one mistake. The electric lights went off before Sunbin left the house, you couldn't point it out. She used to light the candle and leave the home in the evening.

When the candle went off after some time at midnight, you thought Sora might have slept. But it was the candle extinguishing by itself after burning for a long time.

Then suddenly she faced a grave obstacle. A police officer from the same prison, Kim Chul-nom appeared in her life. Probably they met somewhere around but he knew Kyung-hee, even when she was disguised as Sunbin with a blonde bob cut. He followed her to her home and she sought the chance and killed herself." Taehyung explained but I frowned at him.

"I have a question. Why didn't she escape after killing the Officer? She saw Mr. Lee witnessed the crime. So why does she stay back?" I curiously asked him.

He looked at me with a straight face and answered. "She didn't have the time. She never thought that the police would arrive at the crime spot this quick."

"She went back home to take the jewelry box but by the time she was trying to escape the police had already sealed the house.

She thought that being Sunbin right then would've caused her trouble since Mr. Lee saw Sunbin killing the officer. So she quickly disguised herself as Sora and attended the police but forgot to draw the mole above her lips in a rush." He explained.

After explaining that he looked at Mr. Lee. "I am done, Uncle. Please take care of yourself. You have my number. If you get into any trouble then you can contact me." He said and we took our leave from his home. We walked to Taehyung's bike and he silently gave me his helmet.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung! Why are you ignoring me?" I whined poking his arm.

He glared at me and held his helmet in his hands. I flinched on my spot but still looked at him confidently. He yelled at me.

"I fucking warned you this morning itself that you should refrain yourself from pulling up stunts.

However, you decided to disobey me and jump in front of Kyung-hee who was holding the fucking knife. Why would you do that, Choi Y/n?"

I glared back at him. "She was pointing a knife at you. And you're yelling at me? I had to protect you." I snarled at him.

He sighed and shook his head. "I should be the one protecting you, Y/n. It shouldn't be the other way round." He said softly, approaching me and carefully clutching my wrist.

"You don't get to order me. I do what I want." I pouted at him. His eyes at my lips licked his lips, trying to calm himself down. He looked back into my eyes.

"Don't do something stupid. Please. I beg you. When I saw you in front of the knife, I couldn't express what happened to me."

"My heart rate increased, my muscles tensed up, my stomach clenched, and my breathing sped up. I started sweating and shivers ran down my spine. The fear of losing you. . ." He said, shutting his eyes and opening them again before continuing.

"Don't do that if you don't want me to have a cardiac arrest. I don't know this foreign feeling but I can't bear losing you. Please don't hurt yourself for me. I truly treasure you, Y/n." His voice cracked in the end.

My heart melted by his words. I giggled at him and intertwined our fingers. "Aww... my cute boyfriend was scared because of me? I am sorry." I teased him. He looked up at me while raising his eyebrows.


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