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"Kim Taehyung, let's go!" I screamed while pulling his sleeve. He was too invested over a difficult forgery case these past weeks and hardly came out of his library.

The more the case was tangling up the more he was talking less with us.

Sitting in the library the whole day he used to examine and chalk things out about the case.

Even Yeontan could be seen missing his daddy as he used to always sit in front of the library door and scratch it at times, sleep in front of it, and even howls in front of it. 

I even noticed the way he was getting ill as the days go by because of the stress and pressure but he was in no way giving up on solving the case.

Whenever I used to scold him about that all he used to reply was, “No, baby girl. I am completely fine.”

"No! I won't listen to you. You are coming with me and Yeontan to the lake. You need at least two hours of rest in the whole day!" I said pulling him towards the door. Yeontan was barking and jumping on the ground, around our legs.

Taehyung lazily looked up at me and frowned. "But..."

"No, buts! Let's go to the lake. In two hours your petty convict won't escape from somewhere! Let's just . . . ARGH!" I said pulling him to the door.

Taehyung narrowed his vision and thought for a while before sighing deeply and giving into my power to drag him to the door.

"Okay, then. If my baby girl wants it." He said, unsure if he should leave his library full of documents scattered everywhere.

Taehyung crouched down and picked up Yeontan like a baby on his shoulder. His hand was locked with mine while I was pulling him towards the nearest lake in the city.

Although he agreed to join me at the lake, I could figure out that he was still thinking about the case in his mind.

Yeontan was held in his arms and was moving his head everywhere to see the new surroundings.

He was always a naughty little puppy but always used to calm down in Taehyung's grip. Just like now, he was calmly resting on his shoulder while Taehyung was walking with me on the side of the lake.

The crows were cawing in the evening sky above, probably returning back home. A grandpa was feeding some ducks in the lake.

Taehyung was lost in deep thoughts. Yeontan was sticking his tongue out and feeling the breeze that was hitting his furry body.

I squinted my eyes and then an evil grin crept up my face. "Hi, Jungkook!" I yelled and Taehyung's grip on my hand tightened.

He pulled me back and stood in front of me, shielding me from something. "Where? Where is that mother fucker?" Taehyung scowled in front of me, looking everywhere to find Jungkook.

I chuckled behind him and then started laughing loudly. Taehyung turned back and frowned at me before landing Yeontan on the ground.

"What? Where is that two-faced girlfriend robber?" Taehyung asked me seriously.

I laughed and jumped on him. He seemed to be caught off guard but immediately wrapped me with his strong arms. He tilted his head and spun me while I was laughing at his state.

Taehyung put me down and knitted his brows in confusion but then scoffed. A soft smile crept across his face and he shook his head.

"You got me, my lady!" He said placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. I giggled and he crouched down to pick up Yeontan from the ground and handed it to me.

I frowned but didn't complain, taking Yeontan from him while the furry creature licked my face. Taehyung took out his phone and held it in front of us.

My eyes widen and I vigorously shook my head. "Tae, no! I don't look my best today! There's a pimple on my face! No pictures! No way!" I protested but he smiled and shoved my hand away from his face.

"Just stand! No need to look the best. Just look like my Y/n. That's enough." He said.

I groaned but stood with both of my arms holding Yeontan who was panting with his tongue out while looking at his dad, who was clicking pictures of us. After a few shots, Taehyung examined the pictures and parted his lips in awe.

"The girl in this picture looks . . ."

"So ugly!" I completed his sentence and he looked up to me.

He chuckled but showed the picture to me. "Looks just like how I want my future wife to be." He said and my cheeks heat up.

Not going to lie but this man knows how to make me red in seconds. 

He smiles and walks toward the bench and sits down. He watched me and waited for me to join him.

I smile at him and slowly walk up to him. I kept Yeontan on the ground who started playing on the grass. I sat next to him, leaning back and lying down.

He stared up at the dark sky and I wonder if we will ever not be like magnets... not be these two things that drift home to each other no matter what. The cool breeze hits my skin and I hugged myself. "It's cold."

Taehyung doesn't say anything. He moves a bit closer to me though, to share his body heat with me. He wasn't wearing a jacket either. Just a T-shirt.

"They make me think of you," he tells me, looking up into the sky.

"The stars?"
He nods.

I glance at him. "Why?"
I know why.

"Fated." He gives me a shy look. "That we are written in them. Something stupid like that."

We are meant to be, me and Taehyung. Right?

That's what this is about. We're fated. Woven into the tapestry of the universe, my name next to his.

"We're in the stars, Taehyung. We always will be."

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