23: He knows

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"What are you intending at?" Jungkook raged at Taehyung. "I'll tell you later. First, answer a few questions of mine." Taehyung said, quickly changing the topic.

"What?" Jungkook said crossing his arms over his chest. "Did you find the knife that was used to kill the officer?" Taehyung questioned.

Jungkook sighed and shook his head. "Sunbin escaped with it." He said while peeking a soft glance at me.

"Have you found anything important after searching his house?" Taehyung asked and he shook his head. "Nothing important but we haven't unlocked the huge jewelry box yet. The key is with Sunbin." Jungkook responded to him.

"Any special information after questioning Sora?" Taehyung inquired. "Nothing related to the case. She didn't even know what her sister did for a living." Jungkook replied.

"Well, I know it very well. What she did for a living. As well as where she is right now." Taehyung said, smirking. Jungkook and I looked at him in amazement.

"If you knew all along then why didn't you say till now?" Jungkook barked at him. Taehyung started laughing and patted Jungkook's shoulders.

"I'll tell you once the time comes. For now, I want to inspect their house and ask a few questions to Sora myself." Taehyung said calmly, looking at the time on his watch.

Jungkook protested. "That is alright but Sunbin-" "I'll tell you where she is. But let's go to their house for now." Taehyung interrupted him.

"Where? Their house? I am confused at this point. What are you even trying to say?" Jungkook snarled at him, losing his patience.

"You'll understand soon. First, let us go to their house. Also, be prepared to catch the murderer." Taehyung said.

"You're trying to say that Sunbin will return to that home? Or is hiding in there?" Jungkook asked in a panic.

"Jeon shut the fuck up and just follow me there." Taehyung spat and held my wrist again walking away from him. Before leaving Mr. Lee's house, he turned to look at him.

"Don't worry, Uncle. I'm going to their house. This case will be solved in less than an hour." He said to Mr. Lee and walked to the opposite house.

Jungkook followed us when Taehyung asked him. "Is there any other way to escape the house other than the door and the window?" Jungkook shook his head in denial. We walked to the main door.

Jungkook asked the officer guarding the door to let us in. We entered the house and I processed the interior of it. It was quite similar to Mr. Lee's home. A huge hall with an attached kitchen and two rooms.

Taehyung suddenly looked at me and said. "Jungkook and you can go and sit with Sora. I'll be back after searching for something." I nodded my head and looked at Jungkook. He softly smiled at me and we walked to where Sora was probably sitting.

We entered the living room where Sora was glumly sitting on the sofa. Jungkook took a chair and placed it in front of Sora.

He was sitting quite far away from her but he was directly facing her. I sat on the side sofa placed perpendicular to the one in which Sora was sitting.

I noticed how her eyes were puffy and her long dark hair was tousled all over. She seemed to be in a miserable state and has cried a lot. She looked up at Jungkook with a questioning gaze, completely disregarding my existence.

We sat there in silence. I could make out that she was quite tired from all the questions and investigation from the police. She looked exhausted by her current state. I felt bad. She had nothing to do with this case. 

She probably was unaware of what her twin sister was doing. However, she got dragged into this case unwillingly. And once she gets dragged up, there's no way to escape since she is the only connection to her sister.

I don't understand why the police become so invested in safety right after a crime has happened. They allotted tons of officers and constables around this house after the convict had spaced. I am amazed.

I sat there silently, drowned deep in my thoughts. Why did Sunbin kill that man? Was it related to her work? Was it because of those revenge motives? Or it was because of the subject of love? 

My thoughts were interrupted when a smiling Taehyung entered the room. He sat beside me and Jungkook and Sora looked at him. "This case is getting interesting," Taehyung said and Jungkook frowned at him, tilting his head.

Taehyung was continuously staring at Sora. I saw Sora's face turn into surprise and anxiety. She was looking at Taehyung, before asking.

"What are you staring at?"

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