11: Agent

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Seojun scoffed before saying. "It's sad to see an expert like you murdering a pillow, Mr. Park. You disappointed me."

Mr. Park tried to run to Seojun with the knife in his hands but Seojun tightened his hold on the gun with both of his hands, pointing it at Mr. Park and stopping him by saying.

"Don't move else I won't be afraid to pull the trigger. Drop the knife. DROP THE FUCKING KNIFE!" He growled and I saw panic wash over Mr. Park's face.

Seojun held the gun and focused on Mr. Park. Mr. Park dropped the knife on the floor.

"Y/n, open the window facing the street. The cops are down there. Once the window opens they'll come up here." Seojun commanded and I complied.

Suddenly Mr. Park tried to dash towards the door passing Seojun but Seojun swiftly hit Mr. Park's jaws with the gun. He crouched down while holding his jaw in pain and glared at Seojun.

"Alright! I give up. But what is the crime I committed?" Mr. Park barked at Seojun. "There are plenty, Mr. Park. It's impossible to point it all out at once. But you'll know them once you reach the police station. But for now..."

Seojun stopped when a few cops entered our room. "Well, for now, you're being arrested for attempting to murder Agent 001, Kim Taehyung. The witness is still standing there." Seojun said pointing to me and turning to look at the officers. "This is the accused, officers. Arrest him."

The officers silently cuffed Mr. Park. They made him stand but Mr. Park was squirming to free himself. "This is a trap. The Police force and this Agent 001 are trapping me in this mess. There is still a law in this country. I'll fight. I also have enough money." He screamed.

Seojun started chuckling at him. "You surely have money, Mr. Park. The money you earned by smuggling cocaine."

He smirked at Mr. Park. "Do you have any evidence that I smuggle cocaine?" Mr. Park spat in rage.

"The bottles of medicine you were carefully organizing the other day which came in a white packaging case the very evidence of that, Mr. Park." Seojun tilted his head and looked at him darkly.

Mr. Park stiffens at those words. He didn't protest anymore, didn't speak anymore, and was dragged out of the room by the officers.

Before going out Mr. Park stopped and peeked at me with dark orbs. Looking at him, it felt like it wasn't my Mr. Park who used to call me 'little Y/n' every time I went to his chamber.

It seemed as if he came out of his good-guy shell to show his true nature. The nature of a killer. I can't believe I've spent so many days with him.

Shivers ran through my spine at the very thought when Seojun spoke. "What medicine did you give us earlier, Mr. Park? It was Zaleplon, right? Well, you need not answer to that because eventually, chemical tests can prove it later." Seojun said as he slowly sat on his, now messy, bed.

"Officer you may now record my statement. I'll give you the very details." Seojun smirked with a sinister look.

After Seojun gave his statement, the cops searched Mr. Park's room and found two big jars of cocaine. Mr. Park didn't utter a single word all this while. In the morning, he was taken to the police jeep and was sent to the prison.

After all the incidents, Seojun turned to me and approached me. He looked around before saying. "It is so messy here. Let's go to my home. We can have our breakfast there itself."

I was too shook to even refuse his offer so I just followed him to his home.

It was a huge penthouse in the middle of the city. He opened the door and asked me to get in with a big smile.

"Welcome to Agent 001's official hideout. Please carefully lay your feet into my paradise."

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