3: Little help

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Seojun's eyes widened and his lips parted. He grinned at me and his eyes showed a glint of hope in them now. His face was looking delighted, unlike the grim expression he had earlier. "Are... you sure?" He questioned and I nodded at him. "I have too big of a room all to myself. I don't mind sharing it with someone."

"Thank you so much, Miss?" He asked and I smiled at him. "Choi Y/n. No need to call me Miss. Just Y/n is fine." He immediately took out his wallet from his pocket and took out some money bills from it while looking at me. "How much should I pay? I think if I pay it in advance it'll be fine." He said.

I swung my hand in negation. "No no! Take your time. Don't rush. We can talk about it later." I said to him. He smiled at me. "I'm extremely grateful to you, Y/n. I was in such a difficult situation. You helped me." Just then Mr. Park entered the room with a glass of water in his hands.

"Y/n agreed to share her room with me. Is that fine with you, sir?" Seojun asked Mr. Park. Mr. Park instantly shot his head towards me and raised his brows at me. "You did? You don't have a problem sharing it with him?" He asked and I shook my head. "Well, I won't create trouble. I'll try getting a job in a month and will pay the rent on time." Seojun stated.

"Well if it's okay with our little Y/n, then I'm fine with it. Also, it'll be easier for her since she can split the rent in half." Mr. Park said sitting on his chair. "Ah .... Noo! I didn't agree because of that. He looked in need that's why I decided to help him." I said. Mr. Park chuckled at me and then looked at Seojun. "What are you waiting for, Seojun? Bring in your luggage!"

A week passed by and Seojun moved in. We became really good friends. He was two years older than me but still, he asked me to drop formalities. He also became quite close with the others living here as well. In the morning Seojun used to leave to find jobs while I was left alone with Mr. Park in his chamber like usual. Then again he used to return at noon for lunch and then go out again. He used to spend the evenings in the hostel talking to Mr. Park, me, and others in the hostel.

It was evening now and Mr. Park, Seojun, and I were sitting in his chamber. There weren't any patients right now so I was reading something from my phone for the two gentlemen in front of me. "Last night, there was a murder in front of the Shining Hostel in Myeong-dong street. The body of the deceased might be wearing worn-out clothes but he had 100 dollars in his wallet after his death." I read to them.

"This happened in front of our hostel. He must have been one of the buyers of cocaine. He was here to buy cocaine but somehow got to know a secret of the smuggler. So the smuggler killed him." Mr. Park protested. Seojun uncomfortably shifted in his position and said. "Whatever you both say, I'm feeling scared about the situation here. If I knew this place was like this I would've just.." "gone to a hotel or motel right?" Mr. Park completed his sentence.

"Well, the killer certainly had a reason to kill him. He couldn't afford to leave traces. I guess." Mr. Park spoke when I suddenly noticed a presence near the door. "Miss. Akai? Are you fine?" I asked Miss. Akai, an occupant in the hostel who lived in a single bedroom on the third floor, when the other two looked at her as well. She nervously smiled at us. "Just that I was passing over here. Nothing more." She said and immediately dashed away from the door. All of us looked at each other and shrugged it off.

After dinner, I went back to my room when I saw Seojun sleeping on the floor. I jumped on my spot and squeaked seeing him lay like that. He got up from the floor and looked at me while rubbing his eyes. "I thought you were dead," I said to him while placing my hand over my heart.

He chuckled and laid back. "I was sleeping but now I can hear a conversation down there." He said and I frowned at him. He smiled at me and motioned me to come and lay beside him. I cleared my throat and laid myself on the floor at a distance from him, placing my head on the ground when I heard voices. My eyes widened before I looked at Seojun and whisper yelled to him.

"I can hear the conversation between Miss Akai and Mr. Park!"

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