6: Intelligent

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The cop walked toward Seojun and asked him. "You must have forgotten that the door was locked from the inside. How can the murderer enter the room using the door?"

"I didn't forget about it," Seojun said. "So did Miss Akai lock the door after being slaughtered and the murderer left the scene?" The cop teased Seojun.

"No, the murderer after slaughtering Miss Akai locked the door from the outside itself. Look at the door lock. It's a knob lock. If someone closes the door from the outside it automatically locks itself. The only way to unlock it either from the inside or using a key from the outside." Seojun explained.

The cop tilted his head. "That's right though. So is there any evidence that Miss Akai slept with an open door last night?" He asked.

Two guys approached the cop. "No, instead we have the proof that she closed her door last night."

"Yes, we were studying last night. We heard her closing her door at night." Both of them said they were the occupants of the room next to Miss Akai's.

"So did Miss Akai wake up in the middle of the night and opened her door for the murder?" The cop stated in amusement.

"No, but if you remember Miss. Akai was suffering from diabetes these past few months." Seojun reminded the cop and his eyes widened.

"You're right. She might have woken up at night to use the common restroom on the floor." The cop said as he discovered this.

"How is it related to diabetes?" I mumbled to Mark standing beside me. "Idiot! A person needs to pee a lot when they have diabetes so she might have done the same that night. So that's how maybe the murderer followed her when she was returning to her room. And then killed her." Mark whispered standing beside me. I made an 'o' with my mouth.

"Mr. Han I must say that you're quite an intelligent person. You should join the force." The cop stated.

Then he turned to all of us. "I will have to check all of your rooms for investigation purposes. Do you have anyone whom you suspect?" All of us shook our heads.

Mr. Park suddenly spoke. "There are frequent murders once or twice every month. You must be already aware of this fact. I think that all of them are linked to a single person. If one of the murders gets solved then all of them will also be solved. But that might be only if Miss. Akai's death is considered murder."

Seojun walked towards the cop and told him. "If you want to solve the mystery of this murder you must keep the open window in mind."

"I'll have to keep everything in mind, Mr. Han." Then a bunch of other cops followed the head cop to the next room probably to search it.

Seojun looked at me and came to me. He squished himself between Mark and me. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What the fuck?" Mark said since he was pushed away roughly from me. I looked at Seojun and raised my eyebrows. He just shrugged and smiled at me.

After searching all of the member's rooms the cops sealed the crime scene and then went away. They informed Miss. Akai's parents about her death. We never saw them but all of us gave our sincere condolences at her funeral.

After that incident, some of the occupants started vacating their rooms because of the fear engulfing their souls.

What if they are the next victims?

I was also no different either and I won't try to show that I'm a fearless woman either. I was afraid but not to that extent that I'll have to vacate the room.

Before going to bed I decided to pay a visit to Mr. Park in his chamber. I saw how he was so gloomy and had dark eye bags around his eyes. His figure was also not good either.

He didn't notice my presence so I silently walked to him and stood by him. He looked at me when I spoke.

"The tenants are resolving on whether they should keep on staying in here."

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