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-- ASHI --

After rehearsing one song, I had the urge to run backstage. I wasn't in a good state anymore. I needed to let all the tears out. I needed to cry.

I heard Cleo talking to a staff. Hindi na namin kailangan magrehearse since kabisado naman na namin ang sequence namin. I sat down sa dresser ko. Later on, the girls arrived to comfort me.

"Why does she have to be here?" I asked them but no one dared to answer.

Para akong bumalik sa dati. Akala ko okay na ko. Akala ko naka bangon na ko but seeing Magui again... para akong nawasak ulit. I can still feel the pain as if it only happened yesterday.

Deja vu. That's what they called it.

"Kaya mo sumalang, Ash? I'll sub for you if you need me to." Malia offered.

"No, i'm okay." I wiped my tears. "I'll manage. Kakayanin ko."

I don't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even if she's the head musical producer, Solace is still one of the music events we dreamed to perform at.

"Ash, gusto mo ba palitan yung A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant to Be? I figure it'd be heavy for you to perform it in front of her." Cleo asked. "Kung alam ko lang na she'll be here, hindi ko na sana sinuggest 'to."

"What's the setlist again?" I asked as I started retouching my makeup.

"A Soulmatemate Who Wasn't Meant to Be, Sparks, Night of December." Cleo answered my question.

I stifled a smile. All of the songs are about Magui and she'll be watching in front of us.

Kakayanin ko ba?

Kailangan kong kayanin.

Para sa 12 AM.

Kakayanin ko.

"Wala tayong papalitan." I told all of them. "We'll perform what we rehearsed."

Maybe it'll hurt less when I sing all of those in front of her.

We were the last to perform so I took my phone out and tweeted something on my private account.

4shipr1v: People come back during the worst times.

I closed my phone when we heard a knock on the door. It was Magui and she's with... she's with someone. The girl I saw her hug earlier.

"Hi girls, I'm sorry to bother your lone time but I have someone important for you to meet." She tried not to stutter but I can feel how nervous she was.

What the hell is she trying to do? Introduce her new girlfriend to us like nothing happened four years ago? Unbelievable!

Cleo looked at me before she confronted Magui.

"What? Can't you see how heavy this is for us and you dared to come here? For what? To introduce your new girlfriend, huh?" Cleo raised her voice.

I can feel the tension among us all. I can feel that Cleo wanted to punch Magui so bad but she can't. She can't because it will hurt me. It hurts me when Magui is hurt.

"Girlfriend?" Magui asked, confused.

"She's not my girlfriend!" The other girl laugh like its funny. How insensitive! Can't she sense how heavy the atmosphere is?

"12AM, this is Riley Sarmiento. She's my business partner and Solace's Director of A&R." Magui introduced us to one of our bosses apparently.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon