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-- MAGUI --

mfeola: Last three days 📅

"Magui, your grab is here," Riley told me as I went down the stairs.

We already sold my car since I couldn't use it anymore. I rode the grab and went to a really nice restaurant where Anikka told me to meet her.

"Reservation for Anikka Tuazon," I told the waiter and he led me to a table far away from the rest.

It's perfect for privacy.

I waited patiently while scrolling on my phone. I looked at Ashi's feed and saw that she was enjoying her life with our friends. She needs this. She needs to unwind and free herself from the negative thoughts.


I hid my phone when I heard Anikka's voice. I watched her seat in front of me. Anika's my childhood best friend. The last time I saw her was when I told her about my feelings for Ashi. Anikka has been really helpful in my search for certainty. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even take the risk.

But Anikka is also the reason why we broke up. She took pictures of Alya kissing me and sent them to Cleo without confronting me first. It's her fault why Ashi broke up with me. If it weren't for her one-sided story pictures, Ashi and I wouldn't be apart right now.

"My time is precious, Anikka. Please don't waste it." I told her coldly.

"I just want to apologize for everything, Magui. Cleo told me everything. Humugot talaga ako ng lakas ng loob dahil hindi ko alam kung paano ka haharapin." Anikka told me while trying her best to maintain her composture.

"I'm your childhood best friend, Anikka. You could've confronted me but you went straight to Cleo and didn't show yourself anymore." I criticized her.

I really feel mad and betrayed. I couldn't understand how she was able to do that to me.

"In my perspective, I see you kissing a girl, Magui. I know that I'm your childhood best friend but I don't tolerate cheating." She tried to explain her side. "We shouldn't normalize cheating like it's a normal thing to do. It's the last straw to any relationship."

"But I didn't cheat on her!" I wasn't able to control myself, my fist landed on the table.

"I know. That's why I came here to apologize. I should've confronted you first. Hindi dapat ako nagpadala sa assumptions ko. Now, both you and Ashi are suffering."

"We aren't just suffering, Anikka. We keep on destroying each other. We want to love each other but we can't because there is fear in our hearts that we'll only hurt each other." Tears started to form in my eyes. "I lost my everlasting love. The only woman that I am willing to spend my whole life for. I lost her because of your fake news."

"But it wasn't all me, Magui. Why didn't you chase after her? Why didn't you explain yourself? You let them think that you cheated by running away. You ghosted them!"

One of my eyebrows suddenly raised after hearing Anikka's words. She clearly doesn't know everything.

"Do you think I haven't done those? I waited for her outside her building every day, hoping that she'll give me a chance to explain but it never happened." My voice started to raise in anger. "Huwag mo na rin baligtarin ang sitwasyon. I'm the wronged woman here. You made it seem like I was a cheater even if I wasn't."

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon