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-- MAGUI --

"Are we supposed to just pretend like we don't care about each other anymore?"

Cleo's words got me thinking. I did say that I am willing to do anything just to fix what I broke even if it means my life but I didn't think this through.

What about Solace?

What about the life I built for myself?

The life I had when no one else was there to stay.

Buti sana if it's only my life on the line pero hindi. It's Riley and Lia's life too. A life of hundreds of employees as well. The company will fall if it loses its leader.

"Believe me, Cley. I want to fix this. I really do." I told her. I've been longing for my friends for so long so why would I decline this opportunity?

Aside from Solace... It's just... I don't see Manila as my home anymore.

It's too painful.

My dad died here.

My mom and brother abandoned me here.

My ex-girlfriend, Alya ghosted me here.

Ashi broke up with me here.

Vanya Luna chose Ashi over me, still here in Manila.

Can I stay?

Can I consider Manila my home again?

Cleo's phone suddenly rang. She signaled me that she had to take it so I let her.

"Oh my God. I'll be there immediately!" I looked at Cleo whose acting really worried.

"What's wrong?" I started to panic as well. I felt a sharp pain in my chest like something terrible happened to Ashi.

"Ashi got herself in a car accident. I need to be there." Cleo ran down and I followed after her. "Pick up the girls and take them to St. Lukes immediately. I'll text you the address."

I wanted to come with Cleo. I wanted to be there for Ashi. To make sure that she's alive and safe. But I know that I'm the last person she wants to see once she wakes up.

I received a text from Cleo. Apparently, it was the Vanya Luna's house where they all lived together. I went to my car and drove towards the address Cleo sent me.

I stopped in front of a large house with several cars and a van inside. This must be it.

I rang the doorbell and Savannah opened the gate.

"Wala si Ashi dito." She rolled her eyes at me. "At kahit andito siya, we won't allow you to talk to her, cheater!"

"You have to listen to me," I said worriedly.

They need to listen. They have to.

"Ashi needs all of you." 

"Bakit? Ano nangyari kay Ashi?" Stella went out the house and the other girls followed her.

"Ashi got into a car accident. Cleo's already on her way to St. Lukes."

"Kunin niyo yung susi ng van!" Malia yelled and everyone started acting quickly.

Jenna opened the gate while Gia locked the doors. The other girls went inside the van and Malia drove it out of the garage.

I tried to help Jenna with the gate but she gave me a 'back off' look so I stepped backward. Jenna entered the van and Malia drove as fast as she can.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon