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-- MAGUI --

"I need those papers by 9 AM tomorrow."

"Good morning, Magui!" I turned around and saw an enthusiastic Lia in her office attire.

"Khalia!" I cheered and gave her a tight hug. "I missed you so much."

"Missed you too, Boss Mags!" She said after the hug.

Boss Mags.

It's a nickname Lia gave me when I was given the position of CEO. I told her not to call me that but she insisted because she was my secretary. But for me, she's more than that. She's my friend. My family.

"Excited na ko maging secretary mo ulit, Boss Mags." She said before sitting down on the chair in front of my desk.

I had a small office made in Riley's house para dito namin asikasuhin ang mga dapat asikasuhin for Solace.

"You're not going to be my secretary anymore, Lia," I told her. "You're our business partner too. You're gonna be part of the board because you're a big boss too!"

"Hoy, real ba?" She slapped me on the shoulders. "Kinikilig ako!"

"You deserve it, Lia! Thank you for being the business-minded in the group. Without you, we wouldn't come up with strategies that would help Solace stand up on its feet."

"Ano ka ba, Magui. Para kang tanga. Ako lang naman 'to." She giggled while praising herself.

I just shook my head while laughing at her enthusiasm. She always reminds me of my jolly Ashi.

"So how's life as a successful artist? Cutie popstar of Asia! Cute ka pala?" She started to tease me.

"It's overwhelming." I smiled at her. "In a good way of course."

Lia and I caught up a bit more before she left because Riley just arrived. They're best friends so Lia wanted to surprise her. Riley's been busy lately. She has tried every job just to earn money. I told her that she didn't have to because I'm already earning a lot but she insisted.

"I don't want to be the leading lady," I told my manager.

After handling important documents about Solace, I have to focus on my job here. My contract was supposed to end after the music video of Luna but I was offered to release another single. It was a big one and they offered me a huge amount so I had to accept it. I needed to extend for 6 months. Sakto lang naman because once it ends, tapos na rin ang construction ng Solace. I can go back to Canada already.

I started thinking about Ashi again. As much as I wanted to stay with her, a lot of people are depending on me. I'll talk to her before I leave. Maybe we can fix at least our friendship.

"Ate Shelley, I want to be a leading man," I told her as we are discussing the latest music video project that I'm releasing.

"You're a lady, Magui. Ano na lang gusto mong sabihin ng fans mo? Magiingay nanaman ang bashers niyan!" She said, worried that it might damage my career.

"I don't care, ate Shels. We're in the 21st century already. All loves must be recognized and accepted without insults. If people can't accept that, then they shouldn't be listening to my music at all."

"That's why people love you, Magui. You're not afraid to take risks."

"That's how you make a name in the music industry, ate Shels. You have to be unique and stand out from the rest." I told her before ending the call.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon