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-- MAGUI --

"Since when did you come back?" I couldn't hold my excitement when I saw Riley.

"Kanina lang. Dito na ko dumiretsyo dahil malungkot sa bahay." I looked at Riley's luggages on the side. "Hi Cleo!" Bumeso siya kay Cleo.

It was a normal thing for her to do.

I let the girls drive the cars in the garage before I closed and locked the gates. I helped Riley with her bags as we entered the VL house.

"Hindi mo sinama si Lia?" I asked Riley who is sitting on the couch. Inabutan siya ni Stella ng juice.

"Khalia's been busy making some investments." Riley said and took a sip of her juice. "Hindi ka na kasi nagrereply sa GC natin. Hindi mo tuloy alam na we started the reconstruction of Solace already."

"Really?" My eyes lit up after hearing the good news.

"Ehem." Cleo called for my attention.

"Oh right, Riley these are my friends." I pointed to them one by one. "Girls, this is Riley. My director of A&R. She's responsible for the hunting new talents and faces. Siya yung nakatagpo sa'kin sa kalsada." I laugh as I remembered how I sang on the streets just to afford a case of beer.

"I didn't know that what I found is the future CEO of Solace! Imagine? She started as a songwriter, became a secretary, a music producer, then a CEO. Sobrang sipag talaga ni Magui!" Riley told my friends about the challenges I've been true when I was in Canada.

I started missing Vancouver.

I actually had the option to return and look for a job there instead. Kaya lang I just fixed my relationship with Vanya Luna that time. I wanted to spend more time with them.

Hindi nga ako sigurado kung gusto ko pa bang bumalik doon. Hahanap-hanapin ko lang sila. Lalo na si Ashi.

"Mukha nga." Savannah rolled her eyes.

I realized that Riley's presence was making them uncomfortable. I offered to take Riley home and Cleo lended me her car.

I looked at my license. It's about to expire. I have to renew it soon before I get my own car. Nakakahiya na kasi humiram kay Cleo. She has her own errands to run too.

"I missed this house!" I told Riley as I looked around. "Even though I keep on locking myself in your room, I had fun memories here with you and Lia."

"Miss na miss ka na rin namin, Mags." Riley said as she sat on her couch. "I told you to fix your relationship with your friends pero hindi ka na bumalik. Nagulat na lang kami, recording artist ka na."

"Sorry if I wasn't able to communicate with you guys often. My schedule is really hectic." I sat in front of her.

"Nakakatampo ka nga eh. It's like you gave up Solace already. Bumuo ka ng bagong pangarap kasama yung mga kaibigan mo. Paano naman kami?" She pouted.

"Don't act like a jealous girlfriend." I messed with her hair which made her annoyed. Her hair is everything to her.

"I'm a jealous friend, Magui! We have a lot of plans in Canada but you're ditching us already."

"I would never do that!" I told her. "The only reason why I accepted the job here is to earn money. Alangan namang kayo lang ni Lia ang may contribution. Hello? Ako pa rin ang CEO dito."

"I was able to sell your properties in Canada. The last time I checked, we have around a few hundred million dollars. May nahanap kami ni Lia na abandoned building in the city and we started to renovate it. We also started looking for supplies and equipment. In about half a year, Solace is back on its feet." Riley reported the good news to me while handing me the folders. "Although we need more funds for advertisements and such. Since we're starting and rising from a big scandal, mahihirapan tayo maghanap ng clients."

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon