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-- MAGUI --


"What are you doing here?" Ashi went out of their house to face me.

"I know you're mad at me but I just wanted to see you right now. My world is falling apart. I just lost Solace." I tried to give her a hug but she pushed me hard.

"You don't get to hug me." She pointed her finger at me. "Ang kapal ng mukha mo to go here after everything you did to me! You deserve everything that is happening to you right now. I wanted you to rot in jail but I guess taking Solace from you is more than enough to ruin your life!"

She's furious.

She wasn't this furious when I last saw her at the Solace Music Fest.

What happened?

Where is her anger coming from?

"Saan mo nakukuha yung lakas ng loob na harapin ako after you slept with your ex?" She was crying in anger.


I didn't sleep with Alya. I would never do that. I can never do that.

"I didn't sleep with Alya." I told her.

"Stop denying it, Magui. We already talked to Alya and she told us everything." Ashi raised her voice at me.

They talked to Alya?


Why is it so easy for them to listen to her when they never did to me?

"Gago ka!" I held my left cheek when Malia punched it all of a sudden. "You really have the nerve to go here after what you did?"

Malia told Ashi to go inside and she did. I was left with a furious Malia who I know wants to hurt me even more.

"I didn't sleep with Alya, believe me," I begged Malia. I even kneeled down just for her to listen to me.

"Bakit ka pa ba kasi bumalik?" She pulled me up from the ground. "I told you four years ago to never show your face again to us. I told you that Ashi didn't want to see you ever again and that we don't want to hear anything from you ever again."

I remembered four years ago. I never stopped reaching out to them. I never stopped chasing them. I wanted them to know the truth. I wanted them to hear me out.

But Malia snapped. She said that not one of them is willing to listen to my lies. She told me that I am tearing them apart and it would be best if I would just leave and never show myself to them ever again.

And that's what I did. I left. Not because I wanted to but because I needed to.

They needed to heal.

They needed to escape.

They did.

But I returned and ruined their lives all over again.

I woke up and found myself in an unfamiliar room. It was all white.

Am I dead? Am I in heaven? But I don't deserve to be there.

I looked around and the first thing I saw is Riley. She was happy to see me.

Am I an asshole if I say that I wish she was Ashi?

Riley's here but Ashi is the first one I want to see the moment I opened my eyes.

I couldn't understand what was happening.

Where am I?

Later on, a group of unfamiliar people in white entered the room to check on me.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon