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-- JENNA --

"And I am Ashi Geronimo, 12AM's lead singer, now signing off."

Cleo dropped her drumsticks after hearing Ashi's announcement. Malia almost dropped her guitar and I pressed hard on my keys because of so much shock.

The people were starting to make comments. The crowd was making too much noise, probably confused as to what Ashi meant.

What did she mean by signing off?

We all looked at her in hopes that she would say that it was a prank. But it wasn't.

"It is truly an honor to perform for our midnights for the past five years but I think it's already time for me to tackle a new chapter of my life. I love these girls, they are my family." Ashi turned to us and gave us a smile. "They never left my side when my heart was being broken into pieces. The least I want to do is to leave them behind but someone out there sacrificed so much for me and I want to do the same for her."

I realized that Ashi was talking about Magui. She's finally ready and I'm happy for her. I gave her a huge smile and a thumbs up which indicates that I respect and accept her decision. I looked at Cleo and Malia, they were still shocked but I know that they'll understand her eventually. They have to.

"To my solace, I want you to know you are already safe with me." Ashi stated a familiar line from Magui's first song.

The crowd was able to get it right away and they started chanting their names together.

"MaShi! MaShi! MaShi!" The whole crowd cheered. It's as if the whole universe was already pushing them together.

"Thank you, UST Paskuhan! Until we meet again!" Ashi turned off her mic before exiting the stage.

I could feel the tears streaming down my face. They truly love each other and their stars are finally aligning again.

"What was that, Ashi?" Cleo started scolding Ashi when we got home. I immediately stood behind Ashi to support her. "You don't make big decisions like that without consulting us first!"

I can feel Cleo's frustration. Naiintindihan ko naman kung saan siya nanggagaling. Ashi was wrong for announcing that she was leaving without talking to us first. For sure galit na rin ang manager namin and we have to face a lot of media in the next few days.

"Iintindihin naman namin 'yong desisyon mo, Ashi eh. Hindi ka naman namin pipigilan kung talagang gusto mo sundan si Magui. Pero sana man lang sinabihan mo kami." Malia told her. You can feel the betrayal from her tone.

"Sigurado ka na ba talaga diyan, Ashi?" Stella started to worry. "Baka pwede pa nating bawiin."

"Oo nga, girl. Pagisipan mo muna. This is a really big decision!" Gia told her too.

"I've already made up my mind. Matagal ko na 'tong pinagiisipan and I realized that this was the only way to be with Magui. She can't give up her company for me anymore so I have to give up my life here instead." Ashi explained herself.

"I'm leaving in two days." Ashi followed after a short silence. It was another big revelation that stressed us.

"That soon?" Savannah stated in shock.

"Paano naman kami?" Cleo still feels betrayed. "Sobrang impulsive mo, Ashi! Bigla-bigla kang nagdedesisyon tapos ano? Hindi mo nanaman papanindigan? Baka mamaya bigla kang umuwi dito pagdating mo sa Canada."

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon