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Warning: This chapter contains strong language and tackles sexual assault. Reader discretion is advised.

-- MAGUI --

"What do you mean we might shut down?"

I am feeling frustrated while talking to my company lawyers.

"Mr. Cameron died a year ago. I have been managing Solace for one year already and I haven't heard any complaints not until this one." I massaged my temple because I couldn't believe what was happening.

"This is a huge scandal, Ms. Feola. If ever this issue reached the press and the public, Solace Music Entertainment will be forced to shut down."

"I won't let that happen!" I told them.

Solace is my home. This is Riley and Lia's home as well as hundreds of employees. All of us would lose our jobs if Solace shuts down.

"We can hire a crisis manager to help us with the issue and think of ways on how to make amends with the women Mr. Cameron assaulted." One lawyer suggested.

"But it wouldn't be that easy. Someone already filed a complaint so we have to go to court. A lot of laws were broken so we might lose the company."

"I said that I won't let that happen!" I raised my voice in anger. "I hired the best lawyers for situations like this. Do your job and come up with something that would save Solace. Remember, if Solace closes, it's not only me whose gonna lose my job. You will all lose your jobs."

I stormed out the meeting room. I left my lawyers to think of plans on how we can resolve our problem. Meanwhile, I took my car keys and drove to Kelly Anderson, Mr. Cameron's former secretary before me. I have so many questions in my head and I know that Kelly has the answers I'm looking for.

"What can I do for you, Magui?" Kelly welcomed me into her house.

"I don't have time to exchange pleasantries with you. I'm gonna be straight to the point. Do you know about Mr. Cameron's sexual assault issue?" I asked her.

Her smile vanished and she couldn't look me in the eye.

"Kelly, please. Solace is being sued. I need you to help me understand the situation because I have no idea that Mr. Cameron is a sexual predator."

"Really, Magui? You didn't know?" Tears started to stream down her face. "Or you never noticed because you were busy playing him?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"He gave you the entire company, right? His house... his cars. He gave it all to you."

"I don't understand."

I am so confused. Where is Kelly's anger coming from?

Yes, Mr. Cameron entrusted everything he left to me. He did it not because he favors me. He did it because I was chosen anonymously.

Mr. Cameron told all of us that he would give all his properties to the employee that shows the most promise. The board had a meeting, the employees were required to vote. At the end of the day, the lawyers announced that I won.

Did she really think that I played my way to get into the position I am now?

I can never do that.

"While you were so busy gaining his trust with your charm and innocence, you didn't notice how female employees started resigning one by one. You had no idea that our boss was already sexually assaulting us!" She raised her tone at me.

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