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-- ASHI --

"Are you okay?" Magui caressed my face the moment I arrived in the car park.

She looked at my left cheek that Alya slapped. I can see how furious Magui is. It's like she wanted to hurt Alya more because of what she did to me a while ago.

"I'm okay, Magui." I removed her hand from my face. I remembered Magui's words. I didn't expect her to say that. I know how important Solace is to her. "Thank you for choosing me."

"I'll always choose you above anything, Ashi. You mean the world to me." She assured me.

"Is this MaShi version 2.0?" Savannah teased us.

The girls started giggling again but it wasn't funny anymore. They should learn to accept that Magui and I are no longer together. May mga bagay na hindi naman basta-basta mababalik sa dati.

Yes, I already know the truth. I already know that Magui didn't cheat on me. But it wouldn't restore everything that we lost. It wouldn't return the tears that we cried. It wouldn't bring back the trust we used to have for each other.

"Stop it." I stopped her. "Magui and I are only friends."

"Sus, doon rin naman pupunta 'yon." Gia added to her best friend's joke. "Advance lang kami mag-isip."

Magui told us that it was already time to go home. A lot has happened today and we should rest. At home, I stormed in my room. Stella, Gia, and Savannah followed after me.

"Anong problema, Ashi?" Stella asked the moment she closed the door.

I didn't answer her, instead, tears started to fall from my eyes again.

I can remember every word that Alya told me. I took Solace from Magui. I ruined her life! I just wanted justice for myself, why do things have to be like this? Why did I have to be the bad guy?

Later on, Magui knocked and entered my room. This is the first time that she's been on my room.

"Call us when you need us," Stella told me before she left with Gia and Savannah.

They closed the door and left me alone with Magui. I couldn't look at her so I just lay on my bed while trying not to shed a tear anymore.

"I know you're not okay." Magui started talking. "I know you, Ash. You're not okay. What's bothering you?"

"Nalulungkot lang ako." I sat on my bed.

I tapped my bed to signal her to sit down beside me.

"She reminded me of how I ruined your life. You gave me everything yet I took what you have left. I think she's right, Magui. I don't deserve you." I couldn't look at her while saying those.

"Then who deserves me? Si Alya?" She joked which made me raise my brows at her.

"Hell no!" I slapped her thigh. "Mas deserving pa ko kaysa sa kaniya."

"Alam mo, Ash... Alya couldn't determine kung sino ang may deserve sa'kin. No one does but me and I assure you, ikaw lang ang deserving para sa pagmamahal ko."

"Even though I took Solace away from you?" I asked.

"You're my solace, Ashi. You'll always be." I hugged her and she hugged me too.

"Can you sleep here?" I requested.

I couldn't understand myself. Even if I tell myself over and over that Magui is just my friend, at the end of the day, it's still her that I want to be with. She's the first person I want to see when I wake up, and the last before I sleep. She's my comfort, my person, my solace.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon