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-- RILEY --

"We can't afford more delays, Lia! Fix that immediately!"

Magui yelled as loud as she can on her phone after hearing from Lia about the delay in the delivery of instruments. Lia already flew back to Canada to prepare for Magui's comeback.

"Magui!" I yelled at her as I took her phone. "Contact the suppliers again and make sure they deliver the instruments by tomorrow. Update us as soon as you can. Thank you, Lia." I ended the call before handing back the phone to Magui.

"Everything has to be perfect, Riley. We can't afford to waste more time." Magui was still furious while reviewing some folders.

I took away the folders from her, unafraid that she might yell at me too.

"What's happening to you, Magui? You're a mess!" I wasn't afraid to yell at her too even if she was my boss. "You were never this hard on your employees, especially kay Lia. Magui, si Lia 'yon. Hindi lang siya basta-basta katrabaho. She's your friend, your family!"

I was mad after hearing her yell at Lia. Our friend was doing the best thing she can to make the opening of the Vanya Luna Music Group perfect. I understand that Magui has issues right now but she shouldn't take it out on Lia.

"I just want everything to go according to plan. Kahit 'yon man lang." She sat down on her swivel chair while massaging her temple.

I turned around when I heard a knock. I saw Cleo with Jenna and Malia. Magui's former bandmates.

I took all folders and papers so I can continue what Magui was doing. She couldn't concentrate properly. Baka guluhin niya lang ang mga 'to when I spent days organizing them. I walked out of the office as I faced the girls.

"Thank you for coming here for Magui. She really needs you guys." I told them before walking away.

I went to my room to continue what Magui was doing but I couldn't concentrate. I looked at my television where all of the CCTV footage are being displayed. I know it's wrong to eavesdrop but I am really worried about Magui's condition.

What if she ruins herself even before she flies back to Canada? What if VL Music Group fails because she can't handle her issues properly?

I watched the CCTV footage in her office and opened the mic so I can hear them talk.

"Everything is going to be fine, Magui." Jenna gave Magui a hug. "It's not yet the end of the world."

"I know this isn't what you wanted for you and Ashi but you can't punish yourself like this," Cleo told her. "You can't let yourself be surrounded by anger. You can't shut yourself to the world and start acting mad again. You lost the woman that changed your view in life but that doesn't give you the reason to be miserable again."

"Tama si Cleo, Magui. We all know that Ashi is your life but she's not the whole world. Your world may have stopped but the world itself didn't. A lot of people are counting on you so don't lose yourself again." Malia comforted her too.

"You have to understand, Ashi too." Cleo held Magui's hand and pulled her to the couch so she can sit beside her. "Ashi finds it difficult to forgive herself because a lot has happened, Magui. The pain Ashi caused you were not little things that are easy to forget. She took away your job and a lot of things followed."

"Ashi needs time to forgive herself. Time to feel complete again. How can she love you if she's incomplete? Magsusuffer lang kayo pareho." Jenna added.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon