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-- ASHI --

"Is she still here?" I asked Malia the moment she entered my room.

Savannah and Gia followed after her.

"She's staying here, Ash." Gia couldn't look at me while saying that.

"What? Bakit?" Tumayo ako sa kinauupuan ko. "Wala ba siyang bahay? Bakit dito?"

"We don't know!" Savannah answered me. "Cleo brought her home and Jenna made the final decision of letting her stay."

"Hindi pwede!" I was so mad. 

Bakit nila pinatuloy si Magui dito? Did they forget how Magui ruined me? Hanggang ngayon, I am suffering from the pain that she caused me. I know that it's not my decision if they want to forgive her or not but for Pete's sake, why is she staying here?

"This is our home. 'Wag tayong pumayag!" I told the girls.

Mga desisiyon sila. Dapat pinaguusapan ang mga ganitong bagay hindi yung basta-basta na lang silang nagdedesisyon without our approval. Ano pa't naghati-hati kami sa bahay na 'to kung isa lang ang masusunod?

"Don't worry, Ash. I'll make sure that Magui wouldn't stay long." Malia assured me.

I escorted the girls outside my room. We have to sleep early dahil maaga ang lakad namin bukas. We have a recording tomorrow for our new single.

"Mahal..." I saw Jenna chasing Savannah.

"Don't talk to me." Savannah rolled her eyes at Jenna and slammed the door on her.

"Dito ka na lang muna, Jen." Cleo told Jenna.

I watch her enter Cleo and Stella's room. I was about to go inside when Cleo stopped me.

"Give her a chance, Ash. You don't know everything." She told me before she left me.

I couldn't sleep. I can't stop thinking about Magui. I can still remember every detail of our first encounter. She was the cold guitarist of Vanya Luna who always wears black or neutral colors. 'New Girl,' that's how she used to call me. The girls keep on warning me that Magui can be rude and insensitive but I never saw that.

She was my driver, my chef, my doctor, my everything. Everything was surreal not until that tragic night. She was cold and distant. I was longing for her but she couldn't give me any time at all. I understand that she's busy but I have my needs too. Words aren't enough. Actions have to be done. That one night that I wanted to enjoy my life, that's the same night that ruined it all.

We were having fun at Cleo's house not until Annika sent her the picture of Magui kissing Alya. Our love story isn't perfect. We're flawed. But we must never normalize cheating even if it was just a mistake. Even if Magui begs for my forgiveness, it would never restore the trust I had for her before. It would never change the fact that I wasn't the only one.

I felt thirsty after hours of crying. I was hesitant to go down since Magui's room is near the kitchen but I did it anyway. As I passed Magui's room, I can't help but lean on her door. I placed my ears on her door. I couldn't hear anything but I was lokey hoping that she was also leaning behind that door.

I miss you, adi.

Even if you cheated on me.

Even if you're still hurting me.

I made my way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I returned the pitcher to the fridge before I went to the back porch. I sat on the bean bag and stared at the stars. It was a starry night.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon