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-- ASHI --

"Are you sure about this? Pwede ka naman namin isama ni Gia sa Batangas." Malia offered.

"I'm okay." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Kapag sinaktan ka ulit ng kupal na 'yon, sabihin mo agad sa'kin. Uuwi talaga ako dito."

"Magui wouldn't hurt me," I told Malia.

"Maybe not physically but emotionally!" She continued to make excuses para hindi ako magpaiwan dito.

"Malia, promise! Okay lang ako."

I opened the gate as I watched Malia and Gia left. Umalis na rin sina Jenna and Savannah. Si Cleo at Stella na lang ang naiwan. I saw them at Magui's room kaya sumilip ako sa kanila.

"When something happens, call me asap." Cleo instructed Magui as if she were a kid.

"What can possibly happen?" Magui asked her.

"Ewan ko sa'yo, sira ulo ka eh!" Cleo pointed at Magui's forehead. "Magdedate lang kami ni Stella, uuwi rin kami. Please, Mags. Ayoko na ulit umuwi at madatnan kang walang buhay."

"Hindi na, Cley. I promise that I wouldn't clean the house anymore. Hihiga lang ako dito magdamag. Manonood ako ng cartoons." Magui sat on her bed and showed Cleo the remote.

"Please, Magui. We know that it wouldn't be easy for you na maiwan dito na kasama si Ashi but don't do anything stupid again. Sinasabi ko talaga sa'yo, isa pang trip sa hospital, hindi na kita iaalis sa paningin ko." Stella scolded her too.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Si Magui sinusugod nila sa ospital dahil walang buhay? Bakit?

Is that why I saw her limping the other day?

"Kanina ka pa diyan?" I went back to my senses when Cleo looked at me.

Stella and Magui were looking at me too.

"I just arrived." I lied.

"Ikaw na ang bahala kay Magui, ha?" Bilin sa'kin ni Cleo. "If you see her cleaning or moving around, make her stop."

"Why?" I asked.

I needed to. I want to know kung bakit nila binebaby si Magui.

Cleo looked at Magui first before she closed her door.

"Magui didn't want you to know about this but I think you should."

"Know what?"

"When Solace closed, Magui did something really stupid."

"How stupid?" My brows furrowed even more.

"She almost killed herself, Ash. Hindi biro yung pinagdadanan ni Magui ngayon. Just the other day, we rushed her to the hospital because she overdid herself. I just want to have one day with Stella. The last thing I want right now is to bring Magui again to the hospital." 

I couldn't believe Cleo's words.

Magui tried to kill herself? For what? Solace?

Why is that company so important to her that she'll risk even her own life?

"Don't worry, Cley. I promise to take good care of Magui." I assured her.

I watched Stella and Cleo took off before I locked the doors. I'm left alone with Magui but I didn't know how to approach her.

She locked herself in her room so I decided to go sa studio to compose a song. I was strumming the guitar while trying to think of some sensible lyrics but I couldn't focus.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon