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-- ASHI --

"For our success!" I raised my shot glass.

"Cheers!" Malia cheered as we all clinked our shot glasses together.

"Where's Cleo and Stella ba?" I asked when I noticed that they were not here again. "They've been going out on so many dates lately, ha!"

Sana all na lang talaga.

I remember those random days when Magui would drive to my house to fetch me. We would usually walk around the park together. That was our love language, spending quality time with each other.

Fuck, I shouldn't be thinking about her.

From now on, I'm going to forget that I used to love her.

"What's the celebration all about?" Cleo asked as she entered the front door with Stella.

"Solace has officially shut down," I told her and showed her the news article.

Stella started crying and ran upstairs.

"Is she okay?" Gia asked. She was about to follow Stella when Cleo stopped her.

"We just had a small misunderstanding pero kakayanin namang ayusin." Cleo explained.

"Fix that, Cley." I told her, worried.

I witnessed how the two fell in love with each other. I don't want them to tear apart like how Magui and I did.

"I will." She refused to look me in the eye as she followed Stella upstairs.

The atmosphere was heavy so we had to stop our celebration. We went to our respective rooms as I looked at the article once more.

"Bring Solace Music Entertainment back!"

"Solace deserves another chance."

"Music will never be the same without Solace."

"Solace is not Cameron Music."

I was shocked when I saw the comments. How can these people forget what Solace did to 16 different women?

I clicked on the comments to read some more.

"Solace is under great management. Ms. Feola took care of us and made sure that we are all happy with our jobs and that is to make music."

"Solace made our dreams a reality. Can you believe how a big and famous recording company provided opportunities for small artists like us? Only Solace can do that!"

"We had the best job in the world not until Solace was taken from us."

I closed the iPad because I couldn't take it anymore. I still can't believe that a lot of people lost their jobs because of me.

But these women deserve justice too.

I hope they understand.

Besides, Solace isn't the only recording company in the world.

I heard a knock on the door so I opened it. Stella entered and hugged me tightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked and assisted her on my bed. "Hindi niyo pa rin ba naayos yung misunderstanding niyo ni Cleo?"

She just shooked her head as a response so I hugged her again.

"Tell me, what did you two argue about?" I asked again.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon