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-- ASHI --

"Ayown, may pa-milk tea si mayora!" Gia opened the front door and took the milk teas in my hands.

Tinulungan na rin ni Stella si Magui sa mga bitbit niya before we made our way to the dining table. The girls ordered chicken, pasta, and pizza. They didn't eat until we arrived.

"Ashi, tabi tayo." Malia offered the chair beside her.

Hindi ko siya pinansin and I sat on Cleo's chair instead which was right beside Magui. Mas gugustuhin ko pang tabihan si Magui kaysa kay Malia.

"Ako na lang uupo diyan." Cleo sat beside Malia.

Kumuha ako ng pasta at nilagyan ko yung plato ni Magui. I even took a piece of chicken and slice of pizza for her.

"Ubusin mo 'yan, ha? You haven't eaten all day." I instructed Magui who was just staring at me. Nakangiti pa nga.

I was about to get food for myself when I noticed the girls' quiet stares.

"Kakain ba kayo o hahampasin ko kayo?" I asked while I pointed the serving fork at them.

"Bati na kayo?" Savannah began teasing again.

"I know the truth na. Luke told me." I explained to the girls. "Pinakinggan ko na rin si Magui."

The girls cheered like we won the lottery or something.

"Team MaShi for the win!" Jenna continued to cheer.


I gave them a fake smile.

This day felt so surreal.

It was my escape from reality.

But I know that tomorrow wouldn't be the same. Magui and I are broken up. We're no longer together and it wouldn't be easy going back to that path.

I huge part of me is still broken. I lost my trust and the ability to fall in love again. I'm sure Magui is too. Mas malaki ang nawala sa kaniya and she can't just pretend na okay na ang lahat. I still took Solace from her. I would never forgive myself for that.

After eating, I went to Magui's room. I saw the other girls keeping her company so I just knocked so they would acknowledge my presence.

"Good night, Mags." I smiled at her before leaving.

I heard the other girls teasing her. They should stop before it gets uncomfortable for the both of us. Mahirap ipilit ang isang bagay na hindi pa tinatakdang mangyari.

I took a shower before I changed to my pajamas. I was about to sleep when someone knocked. Malia entered my room and I sat to face her.

"Alam mo na?" She couldn't look me in the eye.

"That you pushed Magui away? Yes, I know about it already." I tried to remain calm. "Do you know what you did? Kayang-kaya ayusin yung problema sa loob ng isang buwan pero umabot ng apat na taon dahil sa'yo! If you didn't push Magui away, edi sana nahanap natin siya noon. Sana napakinggan natin yung side niya. Sana hindi na siya umalis. Sana hindi ko na siya nasaktan."

"That's why I want to sorry. I was just protecting you. Ayokong masaktan ka nanaman niya. Pati na rin yung ibang girls. Kayo ang buhay ko, ayokong nasasaktan kayo." Malia started to tear.

"Pero nasaktan mo ko, Malia. Si Magui yung buhay ko and you took her away from me. You didn't give her a chance to explain herself."

"Bakit? Ako lang ba? Sino ba ang unang tumulak kay Magui? Ako ba? Diba, ikaw? You chose to hide the truth instead of confronting her. You chose to walk out on her noong anniversary niyo. You chose to give a deaf ear kay Magui when she was chasing you. So tell me, is it only my fault? Don't you share blame on this one too?"

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon