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-- LUKE --

It's been a week since Magui left for Canada. It's also been a week since Ashi and I last saw each other. She started being distant and she was avoiding all my calls and messages.

"Hi, Ashi! Thank you for seeing me." I greeted Ashi when I saw her.

I was about to give her a kiss on the cheek but she moved away. I pulled her chair instead and helped her sit before I sat in front of her.

"What are you craving for today?" I asked her while checking on the menu.

"We need to talk." She stated seriously.

I think I know where this conversation is headed to. We really do need to talk about this.

I gave the waiter the menu first before I looked at Ashi so we can talk in peace.

"I'm sorry, Luke." Ashi started without looking at me.

I can see her trying to hold her tears. Andami na niyang iniyak pero hindi pa rin nauubos. I can't bear to see her suffering like this. If only I can take her pain, I'll do it.

"Si Magui pa rin 'no?" I smiled bitterly.

Ashi nodded as a response.

I tried my best to maintain my composure. I wanted to be mad at her. I wanted to yell at her. But I love her too much. Besides, this was my choice too. I have to face the consequences of my actions.

"We made it clear from the start, Ashi. We said that we'll try but if it doesn't work out, one can back out." I gave her a reassuring smile while remembering how we became a thing. I'm trying my best to act okay even though it was already hurting me a lot. "I'm backing out, Ashi."

She looked at me with a confused look.

"I was so blinded with my love for you that instead of correcting you, I tolerated you. I know that you aren't over Magui yet. I should've not taken advantage of your vulnerability but I did it anyway because at some point, naging selfish ako. I desired to have you." I explained to Ashi why I was backing out.

"Luke, you're not selfish. Minahal mo lang naman ako eh. You have always loved me but you respected my love for Magui. Ako yung selfish because I chose to take advantage of your love." Ashi muttered while giving me an apologetic look. "I was flattered by your gestures that I wanted to feel what is like to be in a relationship again. I'm sorry, Luke. I'm sorry if I can't give you the love that you deserve. I'm sorry for using you."

I held her hand and assured her that I wasn't mad. I can't be mad at her. She's a family to me.

"I am selfish too, Ashi. After talking to Magui and seeing how selfless she is, I realized how selfish I am." I told her after remembering the day that I confronted Magui on the parking lot of her studio.

"You talked to Magui? When?" She asked, surprised.

"Two days before she left." I answered. "She told me to take care of you and that she's setting you free. You're now free, Ashi."

My words felt like a bomb exploded on Ashi. She started breaking down after hearing that Magui has set her free.


Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon