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-- ASHI --

"Good morning, Ashi."

Riley greeted me and handed me a cup of coffee. Magui is at the studio, supervising a recording with a small artist. I just finished organizing all of Magui's paperwork and schedules so I decided to take a break on her swivel chair. I made myself busy by playing plants vs zombies on her laptop.

"Are you busy, Riley?" I asked her after receiving the coffee.

"Not really since it's my lunch break. Do you need something?" She sat in front of me.

"I heard that you have a crush on Magui." I raised a brow at her. "Since when?"

Riley's smile vanished as she avoided my gaze, "back when she was still a songwriter, she winked at me while singing her song. It was very dreamy."

My brows furrowed as I tried to imagine Magui winking at Riley. Magui is really dreamy. Even if it wasn't her intention, her simple gestures are enough to give kilig to others. Who knows kung sino pa ang kaagaw ko sa kaniya? She should go back to her cold-hearted self para hindi na dumami ang nagkakacrush sa kaniya.

"Don't worry, Ashi. I wouldn't steal Magui from you. Among all of us, you know how much Magui loves you. She's willing to give up her life here just to be with you." Riley held my hand as she gave me an assuring smiles. "She loves you, Ashi, more than anything else in this world.

"Ang senti mo naman diyan!" I stopped the act and started laughing. "Don't worry, Magui told me everything already. Thank you for being there for her when I wasn't around."

Riley's brows furrowed, "you aren't mad?"

"No, I was just messing with you. I'm so bored already, Riley." I pouted at her.

"You've only been here for two days but you're bored already?" Riley started laughing at me. "I'm going to scout for talents at a singing competition nearby. Do you want to come?"

I took a post it note from Magui's cabinet and wrote a short note before sticking it to her laptop.

Heading out with, Riley. Don't miss me too much.
Your love, Ashi.

We rode the company van as we went to a high school near the company. Riley was one of the judges so I sat behind her.

The singing competition had three divisions. A solo division, duo division, and a group division.

It was kinda long and boring so I started watching netflix on my phone to keep me busy. I was in the middle of an emotional scene when I received a text from Magui.

From: My Solace ☀️
Enjoy your day with, Riley.
Don't forget to come back by five.
We'll pick the girls from the airport.

It took her a while to text. Baka ngayon lang siya natapos sa recording. I pressed on the keyboard so I can text her back.

To: My Solace ☀️
I'm bored, love.
Can you please pick me up?

I was waiting for Magui's reply when she suddenly called. I went at the back so I wouldn't disturb the judges and the audience.

"Wanna go out?" Magui asked the moment I answered her call.

"Yes please." I pouted even though she couldn't see me.

"Share me your location so I can pick you up." She instructed.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon