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-- ASHI --

"I won another diamond, look," I told Magui as I showed her a thick amount of tickets in my hand. "I'm good na, pwede na natin 'to papalitan."

I was about to walk toward the counter when Magui held my hand and pulled me closer to her.

"Are you having fun?" She asked with an emotionless face.

My smile started to vanish slowly as I looked at her. Something is wrong.

"Yeah, I am," I answered her question. "Papalitan na natin 'to."

I went to the counter and exchanged the tickets for 2 cute magnetic dogs. One is a poodle while the other one is a pomeranian. It reminds me so much of Tala and Sky.

Magui was so cold and quiet on our way to our car. I wanted to approach her but no words are coming out of my mouth. When we rode her car, Magui started it but she refused to drive.

"Alam ko na, Ashi." Magui started which made my whole body shiver.

"You do?" My voice was shaking.

"We'll talk at home." She tried her best to remain calm but I know that she was mad.

The whole car ride was quiet. I was looking at the window while thinking about what could happen today. One thing is for sure, Magui's mad. Really mad.

When we got home, I immediately went inside and waited for Magui at the living room. She only parks her car outside the house since wala nang space sa garage. The other girls are in their respective rooms so I sat down in the coach. I was fidgeting, nervous at what Magui would say to me.

"Magui," I called for her the moment she entered the house. "Let me explain, please." I pleaded.

"Explain what, Ashi?" Anger was already evident in her voice. "Paano mo nagawa 'yon? You know how important that project is to me para sa Solace. Why would you freaking use your connections to cancel it?" She wasn't able to control her anger anymore.

"Sorry, Magui. I'm so sorry." I couldn't look at her.

"Akala ko ba okay na tayo, Ash? Hindi pa ba? Galit ka pa rin ba? Are all of these a facade just so you can plot your revenge on me? Ashi, I didn't cheat on you. Ilang beses ko ba dapat ipaliwanag ang sarili ko?"

"It's not revenge, Magui."

"Then what was that? Gusto ko lang naman sumaya. Bakit ba ayaw niyo ibigay sa'kin 'yon?" Magui started breaking down. 

I went near her to comfort her but she pushed me away.


Magui and I looked at Cleo who was walking down the stairs. The other girls follow behind her.

"What's happening here? Bakit kayo nagaaway?" Jenna asked, worried.

"I just found out that Ashi's the reason why my solo concert just got canceled. She pulled some strings to prevent it from happening." Magui told them.

"Nagawa mo 'yon, Ashi?" Anger was also evident in Cleo's tone.

"Ashi, I thought napatawad mo na si Magui? Bakit rumerevenge ka nanaman diyan?" Savannah joined the conversation too.

"No, hindi ako gumaganti kay Magui. Nagawa ko lang 'yon kasi natatakot ako..." I started breaking down as well. Stella was comforting me.

"Natatakot saan?" Magui couldn't look at me without the anger in her eyes.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon