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-- MAGUI --

"Are you trying to kill yourself again?" Riley snatched the bottle of beer that I was holding.

I tried to take another bottle from the case but Riley took it too.

"That's you're 4th bottle, Magui. Ano bang problema at nagkakaganyan ka nanaman?" Riley scolded me. "Hulaan ko, si Ashi nanaman?"

I refused to answer Riley. I can see how tired she is from work and then she'll come home only to see me drinking again. I shouldn't be doing this. I have a drinking problem.

"Magui, kung ganyan lang rin naman, I think it's best if you and Ashi stop seeing each other." Riley said which gave me the courage to look at her.

"Ashi ghosted me," I told her as tears started to stream down my face.

"Oh, Magui..." I saw Riley feeling sorry for me. She sat beside me as she stroked my back.

"After I told her that I still love her and I am willing to retake the risk, she stopped replying to my messages. She wouldn't answer my calls and she treats me like a wind whenever we pass by each other at the studio. I'm there but she's pretending that I'm not." I continued to rant my feelings to Riley.

"Maybe Ashi is just taking her time to process things. None of this is easy for her, you know? Kung ako rin naman ang nasa posisyon niya, magugulat rin ako kapag yung taong sinaktan ko ng sobra-sobra ay mahal pa rin ako." Riley comforted me. "Just give her time, Mags. Lalapit rin siya sa'yo."

Another day has passed and finally, it's the release of the Here With You music video. It's my final project before my farewell concert.

"Samahan mo ko sa banyo." I whispered to Riley because I really needed to pee.

"You can do it on your own. You're a big girl na!" She told me because she was busy listening to the announcement of my producers.

"Samahan mo ko!" I pulled her so she has no choice but to accompany me.

Before we can enter the restroom, Ashi went out and she looked at Riley with a smile on her face.

"Hi, Riley." She greeted her.

"Hi, Ashi." Riley greeted back before Ashi went on her way.

She didn't even look at me!

"Do you see what I mean?" I asked Riley.

"Yeah, I do."

After using the restroom, we went back to the studio. We counted down altogether before they played it in front of us. This was the first time that we were going to see the music video.

"Ay, ang taray ni Magui!" Savannah commented.

The girls are here too to support our music video.

"Ang gandang gwapo! Akin ka na lang Magui!" Gia stood up to look at me but Malia pulled her down and hugged her tight. "Aray, ha! Ang angas-angas mo pero selosa ka naman."

Everyone laughed at Gia's remark since it was true. Malia's the second scariest after Cleo but the most jealous of all.

"Oh my God, Ashi! You look like a goddess!" Stella praised her. She really did look like a goddess with that gown of hers.

"Hoy kinikilig ako!" Savannah started hitting Jenna during the mirror scene.

"Ayan na, sila na!" Cleo became excited too after seeing the harana scene.

Here, Under the StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon