Part 1

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Luckily it's the last year of high school. Blaine couldn't handle another year with his locker next to Kurt's. Who Kurt is? Kurt Hummel, McKinleys bad boy.

He doesn't talk to people, never is friendly, not even to his family. The thing seperating him from a typical bad boy is that he doesn't smoke and still has great notes because he doesn't skip. His soul on the other hand is as dark as every badboys soul. Kurt has a brother, Finn, who is in Glee Club with Blaine and Blaines best friend Rachel who happens to be Finns girlfriend. From times that Rachel visited Finn at home she told Blaine how rude Kurt is even to his family.

And with exactly that boy he had every class and this year is no exeption. With the lockers and the classes the only place safe from Kurt in school for Blaine is the choir room. Glee Club, his happy place. New Directions, his friends.

The bell rings and Blaine closes his locker to go to his first class of the day. But since his best friend sits with her boyfriend and all his other friends that share classes with him are already sitting together, Blaine has no other choice than to sit down at an empty table.

The teacher, Mrs Shora, comes in with her usual good morning smile and puts her stuff on the front table. Blaine really likes Mrs Shora. She's not to strikt, always friendly and doesn't give to many homework.

Just as the teacher wants to start the door opens again and a boy walks in. Grey, ripped jeans, black shirt and a black leather jacket. Kurt Hummel. Late as always. He maybe visit class but he's always late. In the corner of his eyes Blaine can see Finn rolling his eyes at his brother.

"Mr. Hummel you're late" Mrs Shora says but the bad boy just shrugs. "Sit down next to Mr. Anderson. The only place free" the teacher says and then takes a second try welcoming her students and starting with the class. Great. This is the last thing Blaine needs for this year. Not only have class with Kurt but now also being stuck with Kurt next to him.

Trying to ignore Kurt taking out his stuff Blaine tries to focus on class. Like every school year the first lessons are not that bad since you talk about your holidays and the upcoming school year. The hard class is therefore not the reason why Blaine is relieved when the bell rings and he could get away from Kurt.

"But before you go I want to talk to you about a project that we'll do this year." Mrs Shora says and starts explaining "I'll pair you up and you'll be given a movie.

You'll watch the movie, write a review and a paperwork with a from me decided topic. The topic depends on the movie yourpair gets and the movies will be given randomly. After that I want you to create a short movie that fits to the movie in any way you can think of. If it still fits in the topic you can choose a different genre or the other way around. That's your place to get creative.

Now to your pairs. You'll work with your seat neighbour, no exeptions, no changing. I'll give each pair a sheet of paper with the movie, the paperwork topic and the deadlines for each part".

Great, Blaine thinks, the list grows longer and longer. Locker next to Kurt, classes with Kurt, Kurt sitting next to him and now a long term project with Kurt. How can everyone else be so lucky? Finn works with Puck, his best friend, Rachel works with Mercedes, her best friend and Quinn and Santana work together. But of course Blaine lands with Kurt.

In the end of the lesson Kurt gives Blaine a piece of paper before standing up and leaving the class room without loosing a word. As much as Blaine wants to throw it away, he opens it and reads:

Here's my number. Text me only for the assignment.

At the bottom of the note Kurt wrote down his number. Blaine puts the paper in his bag and then stands up to walk with Rachel to their next class which they have apart from Mercedes and Finn but with Kurt. But since they're together Blaine doesn't fear sitting next to Kurt in another class.

This evening as Blaine is laying on his bed, he decides to take the note and his phone to text his least favorite person.

Blaine: Kurt? Hi. It's Blaine.

Kurt: What do you want Anderson?

Blaine: When should we start with the assignment? The sooner we are done the sooner we can stop talking again.

Kurt: Tomorrow. After school. Your place.

Blaine: Fine by me

Not being exited for the next day Blaine puts away his phone again and goes to sleep since it's already pretty late. 

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