Part 23

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11:30 am and Kurt stands in fromt of the Anderson house. He takes one deep breath and then rings the door bell. It's Rachel who opens the door and quietly lets Kurt in.

But where's Blaine? Is he still not ready?

Kurts question gets answered when Rachel whispers "He got a call from his parents just a minute ago. I don't know what this is about but he looks upset".

Kurt frowns "Let's wait until he's done and then I'll talk to him". With a nod Rachel and Kurt sit down on the couch, waiting for Blaine to finish his call and coming out of the kitchen.

When Blaine comes back about 20 minutes after Kurt came he's relieved to see his boyfriend sitting on the couch, chatting with Rachel. He just needs a hug from the boy he loves now, not minding another hug from his best friend.

"What's wrong B?" Kurt asks when he notices the boys presence. The look on Blaines face gives him the strong feeling that something happened.

The questioned boy sits down on the couch and tells "My parents have to go on a longer bussiness trip. Starting now, ending in two months. Goodbye over the phone and they won't be home for graduation or to celebrate with us if we win Nationals".

"Ouch" Rachel mumbles before she can stop herself "Blainey I know it's sad and you're mad at them but you still have us. Family by choice remember?". Rachel comes over often when Blaines parents were gone again and so they grew to be a part of each others family, being a family by choice since then.

"I agree with Rachel" Kurt starts, taking his boyfriends hand "You know I'm not the biggest fan of your parents because of exactly that behaviour. But you have us. The New Directions, Rach, me and my family. You know they love you".

"They do" Blaine says, managing to laugh a little. They are right. He's not alone. But he's still mad.

"I know you're mad" Kurt continues as if he could read Blaines mind "But we need to make the best out of it. How about Rachel and I come over more often? This could be a great test for how it'll be in New York". He stops. Shit.

"Blaine looks up "New York? So you're coming with us?". "Yeah... That's actually something I wanted to talk to you about later but I, ahm, I got an intern job at Vogue in New York and come with you" Kurt nods. "Kurt, Honey. That's great" the curly haired boy says with a huge smile and hugs his boyfriend proudly.

He could already imagine himself in an apartment with Rachel and Kurt. Rachel practices some dance steps or songs or whatever for her classes at NYADA, he plays some music that he scribbled down while not paying attention in class at NYU and Kurt sits on the table, working on either new designs or an article about whatever fashion trent will come in future.

"I could talk to my dad about staying here for longer than a weekend. It'll be like a test for the future" Kurt proposes when they break the hug and Rachel adds "I could talk to my dads too. Our apartment in New York won't be as glorious as this house but that could be just one reason more to enjoy the time here".

"Thanks guys" Blaine says, smiling and hugs two of the most important people in his life. If not the most important, at least at this very moment.

"Now I'm going home to talk to my dads. You two enjoy your day" the girl winks at Kurt "I did my part". She hugs the bos goodbye and goes home.

"So I guess today is the day I get this mysterious surprise?" Blaine says laughing and the other boy nods "I had to change everything a little but yes". "Tell me!" the shorter boy urges exited, making Kurt laugh "B would it still be a surprise if I justtell you now?". "probably not" the other boy says, blushing and head shaking but still laughing.

"We could go now or just enjoy the silence here for a bit longer. I think we talked this issue with your parents through too fast" Kurt proposes and not for the first time Blaine is amazed about how good Kurt knows him.

"Hug me?" he asks with a pout and the biggest puppy eyes. With a caring, yet worried smile Kurt opens his arms, allowing Blane to snuggle into them.

"It's just... the older I got the more they've been away. Maybe now that they know that we're moving to New York soon they think they don't need to be there for me or take care of me anymore already" Blaine says and realizes that this weas the first time he ever spoke those thoughts aloud.

Kurt stays silent, knowing that the boy in his arms is right. He just comforts him as good as possible. They still have enough time until it's time for the main part of his surprise.

"They didn't even really said goodbye. Just a call, saying that they packed already and forgot to tell me because I was in school when they left" Blaine mumbles. Kurt nods "I know but we can't cange that now. Sadly. But I promise that I will try to make the best of it for you". "Thank you" Blaine mumbles, holding his boyfriend even closer.

Kurt knows that today he'll start making it better with his surprise. Mercedes was right. He will like it and it will make him happy again and lighten his mood.

Both boys stay like this for a while until Blaines thoughts stop racing and giving in to Kurts promise about making the best out of it.

"Sorry that I messed up your plans" Blaine says guilty and breaks the hug. But the taller boy shakes his head "It's okay. We still have time until my plan really starts". "And you still don't want to tell me?" the smaller boy urges again, this time with the pout and puppy eyes that Kurt normally can never resist. But today is an exception because he shakes his head, laughing " No Blaine I don't".

"So if we have some time still, can we cuddle a bit more?" Blaine asks, using his puppy eyes again. The taller boy looks at the time, 12:30, "We still have a bit time but in about half an hour we should leave".

With a big smile Blaine cuddles back in his boyfriends arms. Kurt holds his love as tight as possible. His surprise just has to work. Now more than he thought before while planing.

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