Part 6

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Even tho Blaine knew that Kurt will treat him like everyone else in school he couldn't help but feel a bit dissapointed. He knows it's better for Kurt if they pretend to not be together but they steal some looks at school and spend time together after shool and the quality time helps Blaine to get over the silence from Kurt over day.

The only person in school knowing that the two are together is Finn and that's only becasue the boys got tired of always hanging out at Blaines place.

On Tuesday Blaines parents came back and Kurt finally got to meet them at dinner. They seem to be okay but just really busy with their jobs. No wonder that Blaine is alone that often and searches for company. As much as Kurt is annoyed by his family sometimes, he's glad that they're around that often.

After one month the two are happy as ever. They went on a first date and on a second. Sure the dates always been quite unusual since Kurt didn't want to hold hands in public but while being in public they just talked and admired each other and when they were alone Kurt took Blaines hand and they cuddled. They spend a lot of time together after school but in school Kurt still keeps his distance. He still needs time and Blaine knows that. He doesn't push Kurt but the boy still feels sorry.

Before getting to know Kurt Blaine never thought that the bad boy could be insecure. Now at one day after school they sit in Kurts room. They actually planned to go to Blaine but his parents have business guests and the boys doesn't want to bother or even be a part of it.

Kurts room is also okay. They sit on his bed and watch a movie but Kurt doesn't really seem to enjoy it so Blaine noticed. "Penny for your thoughts" he says and Kurt answers "I'm sorry for being so distant at school". Blaine laughs quietly "I told you it's okay. I enjoy our time for two even more because of that".

"But you deserve so much more. You deserve someone who would actually hold hands with you in school, bring you to your classes and greets and goodbyes you with a kiss. I can't give you that yet and who knows when I'll be ready." Kurt rambles but gets cut off by a pair of lips on his.

"Did I ever told you that you're cute when you're rambling?" Blaine says when their lips part again and continues "Kurt don't worry okay? We'll do this whole public stuff at your pace and you don't need to worry because I don't want anyone else than you. I enjoy the time we have together when it's only us and that's the important thing for me".

After that the boys continue watching the movie and luckily it distracts Kurt.

At some point Kurt told Kurt that it's okay for him if Blaine tells the New Directions about them and in Blaines eyes that's a huge process since it's ten more people Kurt let into his and Blaines relationship without feeling uncomfprtable.

At first the New Directions and especially Rachel were worried that Kurt might end up hurting Blaine but by now they are happy for him. Blaine told them that once they get to know Kurt he isn't that bad anymore and from time to time theycould see it too.

Although it's not the weekend the couple went on a date again. Blaines parents are away again and the plan is that Kurt sleeps at Blaines so they could cuddle the whole night since they don't do so outside.

Joyfully laughing the boys enter the empty house after an delicious dinner at a fancy italian restaurant. When the door is closed the boys go to the living room and sit down on the couch. Not once their hands stopped touching and only now they separate to pull off their jackets.

As soon as they did Blaine crushes his lips on Kurts, who returns the kiss, allowing Blaines tongue to play with his own. They made out before, several times, but Blaines next words change everything. "I think I'm ready" Blaine says as they break apart to catch their breath. "Come again?" Kurt asks, pulling back as the other boy wants to kiss him again. Did Blaine really just said that he's ready?

Yes Blaine did and he has no idea why. He always thought he would still want to wait, Kurt would be the one wanting to have sex and Blaine would be the one who chickens out. But the day was so great and the moment just seemed so perfect that the words slipped out of his mouth automatically. This feels just right.

"I said I'm ready. You know for sex" Blaine repeats clearerand just as he tries to kiss Kurt again, the boy gently pushes him away. "I should go" he says quickly, grabs his jacket and runs to the front door. He hears Blaine calling after him "Kurt! Wait!" but chooses to ignore him. Kurt runs out of the door and home.

At home Kurt runs straight up to his room. He ignores the calls and questions of his family about why he's home when he was supposed to sleep at Blaines and locks the door.

With tears steaming down his face he slides down the door and crawls into his bed and under the blanket. He ruined everything but he just had to get out of there.

Not even bothering to change clothes Kurt cries himself to sleep.

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