Part 5

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Blaine has prepared everything for when Kurt comes. Something to work on school stuff but also something fun. Movies, Music and of course snacks and something to drink.

After everything is prepared Blaine sits down and waits for the other boy to arrive. There's something in him that is more than happy to spend time with Kurt again. More than people usually are when they see their friends.

The door bell finally rings and Blaine jumps up to open the door. "Hey" Kurt says, walking in and putting his bag down. "Hey" the shorter boy says and sits down on the couch with Kurt next to him. So no hug. He tries to read Kurt but he really can't say if he's in a good mood or in a bad mood.

"Sorry for yesterday. The hug-" Kurt starts but Blaine shakes his head "It's okay. I actually enjoyed it". "Me too actually" Kurt answers and scratches his head "You may noticed that I'm not really into physical contact but with you it's okay. I have no idea why but it'S no problem with you".

Blaine could't believe his eyes. Is Kurt Hummel the bad boy actually blushing? Blaine also feels his cheeks getting red a bit but he smiles "That's a good thing right?". "I think so, yeah" the other boy nods.

For a while the two boys just do some school work but it doesn't take them long to get bored. They already did so much and the others aren't even close to how far they already come.

"We could make us something to eat and listen to music. I want to hear you sing again" Blaine proposes and the other boy agrees. They make something to eat and drink while listening to music and singing along.

The first few songs are okay but then the song 'Falling Slowly' starts playing and while Blaine sings along Kurts mind drives off. Deep in his thoughts he thinks back to the time he became untouchable and even further to the time he was himself. Naive and innocent. Now that he changed it feels like Blaine is the only person that can reach out to him after those years.

Not only is Kurt tearing up but also so lost in his memories that he cuts his finger while cutting vegetables. The pain running through his body brings Kurt back to reality "Ouch". Blaine turns around to him and reacts fast when he sees the blood. "Here. Take that" he says, giving Kurt a clean kitchen towel to press on the cut.

Kurt sits down with the towel while Blaine takes care of the last bit that needs to be done in the kitchen. He finishes Kurts work on the vegetables while he hears Kurt say "Sorry. I'm usually not bad in the kitchen". "Don't worry about it" Blaine answers.

The boys sit down on the couch again and Kurt still with the towel pressed on the wound. "You okay?" the curly haired boy asks. "Yeah" the bad boy mumbles, already half sunken in his thoughts again. That of course doesn't go unnoticed by Blaine.

"Penny for your thoughts" he says but Kurt shrugs "It's nothing". With that he signals Blaine that he doesn't want to talk about it so instead the curly haired boy says "Let me see your finger".

The boy takes away the towel and holds his, still bleeding finger out to Blaine. "Hm. Looks like a deep cut. Wait here and take the towel again. I go and see what we have in our first aid kit"Blaine says and stands up.

With the first aid kit Blaine sits down again and takes the boys hand. He puts the towel away and starts putting a bandage on the finger since he has no band aid big enough to cover the cut. Concentrated he looks what he does but can feel Kurts eyes fixed on him. He doesn't mind.

When he's done and looks up his eyes immediatly lock with Kurts ocean blue ones. "Done" he says but doesn't let go of Kurts hand. Kurt doesn't mind and answers "Thanks" under his breath.

Both stare into each others beautiful eyes. Just staring. No one says something. Then, like they can't do something against it they come closer. Closer and closer until their lips meet. Fast the kiss turns from soft to passionate until both are out of breath.

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