Part 15

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The door opens and Carol walks in followed by a doctor. Kurt knows him already, Doctor Jones, from previous times he had to go to his test appointments after the first rape. He also was Kurts doctor at his, not long term, time in hospital after the first time he got raped.

"Kurt. It's good to see you awake. The wounds look good and everything will heal quickly. Don't worry about the scars. You won't notice them and with the time they get almost invisible.

You also have no internal damage from the harassment which is good but you have a low fever. We don't know how long you were out in the cold so it's okay to feel sick.

Could you maybe tell us what this person did to you besides the harassment and the use of a knife or similar if there was something else? It would be important so we could do some more health checks if necessary" Doctor Jones explains.

Kurt shrugs again "I don't want to talk about it". "Okay. I know it must be hard for you but if you're ready to talk about it let me know" the docor says understanding and leaves again, letting the family talk.

"Okay buddy. I go now. See you later" Burt says and takes his jacket. "Bye" Kurt answers rather cold.

When Burt cloeses the door behind him Carol sits down on the chair Burt sat on before "How are you?". "How should I be?" Kurt asks back, laughing bitterly. But then he takes a deep breath, now realizing that he's not very friendly.

"Sorry" he tries again "Could be better, could be worse". "That's okay too. Are you okay enough for Finn and Blaine to visit later?" the woman asks but Kurt shrugs again "Shouldn't they do something for school?".

Now Carol shifts to the edge of Kurts bed "They would be happy to see you. Finn is worried about you. He found you and would feel a lot better when he could see for himself how you are. And Blaine blames himself for everything and letting you go in first place".

"It's not his fault. I didn't come back. It's mine. Not his" Kurt answers, staring out of the window. "It's not your fault either Kurt. Blaine is worried sick about you" Carol says but Kurt shrugs "He shouldn't and neither should Finn, dad or you. I'm still alive as you can see".

He's cold again and he knows it but he can't stop it. He just wants to be alone.

"Okay but please talk to your brother and Blaine. They'll come after school, no matter how long they stay but just for a bit okay?" Carol says and stands up again "I have to go back to work. Maybe you should try and rest a bit". She sees Kurt shrug once more before she leaves the room.

Once Kurt is alone he throws his head back in his pillow again. He can't put a stop in his behaviour. It comes automatically, nothing to do against it. The bad boy comes back, locking the naive Kurt savely away again. Maybe it was a mistake to let him out in first place.

Then he lifts his head again and looks down at himself. His bottom hurts and neither sitting nor laying feels really comfortable.

Then he lifts his shirt, looking at his chest and stomach, both covered with band aid. Next he looks at his thigh. Band aid too. After that he pulls up the sleeve of his shirt, seeing a band aid on his shoulder and another one on his biceps.

Is he allowed to stand up? Will it hurt to stand up? Maybe but probably just as much as laying and sitting. He should really figure out comfortable ways to sit and lay. Maybe on his side? And for sitting? Who knows.

So Kurt stands up and slowly goes to the mirror over the sink. Looking at himself he first notices the not very small band aid at his right cheek. Then he looks his reflection in the eyes. They look tired and his face is pale, besides his red nose. Yes he has a cold but that's his smallest problem.

Still Kurt feels a bit cold so he takes a jacket and pulls it on before going back to bed, wincing as he sits down. For now he just lays on his side. He can find othr sitting positions later.

Maybe Carol is right and a little nap really wouldn't hurt before Finn and Blaine come. He needs his strengths. And maybe after a little nap he feels a bit better and stronger again.

Kurt closes his eyes but can't sleep.

Everytime he closes his eyes, he sees the happening from last night. Great. He'll just stay awake then. Instead of sleeping Kurt puts on some music and stares out of the window, zoning out and waiting for Blaine and Finn to come.

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