Part 13

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It's been an hour and Blaine starts to worry. Even tho they had a fight, Kurt would still write when he's home right?

Because of the given circumstances Blaine dials Kurts number but nothing. Now even more worried Blaine calls Burt since he doesn't know what else to do. He knows that he and Kurt both will be in trouble because Kurt left the house but the more important thing now is to know if Kurt is safe and home.

"Hummel?" Burt answers the phone. "Burt? Hi it's Blaine. Can I talk to Kurt?" Blaine asks but his hope shatters at only one sentance. "He's not home" Burt answers. Then he realizes "Hold on. Shouldn't he be with you".

"Yes. But we had a fight and he ran out to go home. I couldn't stop him anymore" Blaine tells, his voice cracking and the tears rising in his eyes.

"Carol is on her way home. I'll tell her to pick you up. You and she will search for him and Finn and I. We stay on the phone" Burt says with a serious yet worried tone that Blaine had never heard before. It takes the man a lot of strength not to break down but it's the least thing they need now.

Not even five minutes later Carol stands in front of the Anderson house. "I leave the car here so we can track his way better" Carol proposes and Blaine nods, feeling like in trance since Burt told him that Kurt isn't home.

And so Blaine, Carol, Burt and Finn start searching for Kurt, going the way Kurt would go .

On one street, somewhere in the middle, the four meet. If the boy isn't somewhere here, they have to think about other ways Kurt would've go.

But at one little, dark and hidden entrance Finn freezes "M-Mom?". He looks terrified as he stotters "I- I found h-him".

When Finn says that the other three come closer to where Finn stands and Blaine lets out a cry "Oh my god" as he sees Kurt laying on the ground, unconcious, nacked and with several wounds.

"We have to get him to the hospital asap" Carol says, kneeling down next to the hurt boy. "Burt call an ambulance and everyone give me your jackets. We don't know how long he's been laying here like that and it's still freezing" she continues, trying to do first aid with what they have.

In moments like that a nurse in the family can come in very useful.

The ambulance immediatly takes Kurt to the hospital, taking Burt with them. Carol, Finn and Blaine walk back to the Anderson house where Carols car is still parked.

"Can I come with you? My parents are out tonight and I don't want to be alone" Blaine asks on their way back to the car. "Of course" Carol answers "Just inform your parents".

While Carol drives home and Finn silently stares out of the window, Blaine takes out his phone, telling his parents that he'll spend the night at Kurts house. Tomorrow after school he can tell them what happened.

At home Finn excuses himself and goes to bed. Finding his brother was a real shock but maxbe a good sleep can help him feel better, at least a bit.

Blaine too doesn't want to be in company but being at Kurts is still better than at home alone. So he goes up to Kurts room. Only after he closed the door Blaine allows himself to break down completely. Sure he had been crying before but this time he sinks to the ground, crying and sobbing his heart out.

The boy calms down eventually but only as much that his sobs become quiet hiccups. He stands up and takes some of Kurts clothes. He puts them on, inhaling Kurts sence, and starts crying again. Being in Kurts room without him just feels wrong but since he can't be with him it's still better than home.

Blaine lays down on the bed, trying to imagine how it would be to cuddle with him now. It's Blaines fault. If he wouldn't have accused Kurt on cheating, he wouldn't have left.

Kurt has enough oxigen to breath properly again but from the lost of blood and everything that happened he's way to exhausted. The doctor could tell that he wouldn't wake up before the next morning. That's why he tells Burt to go home.

In hospital the doctor takes care of the wounds and then checks him up. Luckily the rape hasn't caused any serious injuried but it'll still hurt a bit. The other thing to do is keep the boy warm since they still couldn't tell how long he's been lying on the freezing ground.

When Burt finally comes home, he's glad to see his wife, waiting in the living room for him to come. Burt too was crying but he didn't allow himself to break down. Only in his wifes arms he finally shows some weakness, tells her what the doctor said while crying.

Carol calms him down again. They agree that it's better for Burt to not work tomorrow so he can be there for Kurt when he wakes up. Carol will go to work but since she has a dayshift at the hospital she's still around. Just in case.

They also agree on letting Finn decide if he wants to go to school after this nights shock. Blaine should decide too but in the end it's his parents desicion if they allow him to stay home or not.

After a long conversation Carol sends her emotional exhausted husband to bed. She on the other hand first wants to look after the two boys before going to bed.

First Carol goes to her son. She opens the door and looks into a dark room. Her eyes adjust to the darkness quickly and she sees her son peacefully sleeping. The mother goes in, covers her son up properly and kisses him on the forehead before leaving again.

Then she goes to Kurts room. She opens the door and sees Blaine awake, starring at his phone. "Hey Blaine" Carol says softly. The boy looks up, tears still in his eyes. Carol comes in and sits down on the bed next to Blaine, who sits up to make her space.

Before Carol came in he was looking at some pictures and videos of Kurt. "News about Kurt?" he asks quietly and Carol nods "He'll sleep until tomorrow, recovering of what happened. He needed some stitches and is still a bit cold but he'll be fine". Blaine lets out a sob of relief "Oh my god" and adds "It's my fault...".

The woman frowns "Why do you think that?". "Because" Blaine tells "We had a fight and we yelled at each other and were mad at each other. I started the fight and he got so mad that he opened the door and left. I tried to get him back in but he didn't. If we hadn't fight he and I would cuddle in my bed, falling asleep and go to school together tomorrow".

Now Carol frowns even more and opens her arms. Blaine collapses in them, starting to cry again. "It's not your fault Blaine. You tried to get him back and you called Burt because you were worried. If you wouldn't we wouldn't have searched for him. It's okay Blaine and Kurt will be okay too" Carol reassures him, stroking over the boys back until he calmed down again.

When Blaine calmed down again he sits up again, mumbling a quiet "Thanks". "Of course" Carol answers. "Oh and Finn can decide if he really wants to go to school tomorrow. If you're uncomfortable with going to school tomorrow maybe ask your parents if you can stay home. It's okay after what happened today" she continue , squeezing Blaines shoulder slightly.

Then she stands up and goes to the door but turns around again "Try to get some sleep Blaine". The boy nods, mumbling "Good night Carol". "Good night Blaine. Come to me if something is wrong or you need to talk" Carol answers. Blaine nods again and watches Carol leave the room, closing the door behind her.

For a second longer Blaine stares at the door before he lays down, turns of the light and closes his eyes. It takes a while but eventually Blaine falls asleep.

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